The Pipes Magazine Radio Show – Episode 71

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Kevin Godbee
Thank you for joining us for The Pipes Magazine Radio Show—the only radio talk show for pipe smokers and collectors. We broadcast weekly, every Thursday at 8 pm eastern USA time and are available on nearly all podcast sites and apps. Listen on your computer, tablet, phone and even in the car! On tonight’s show Brian will be interviewing Ped van de Gevel a.k.a. “The Scotch Pipe Smoker” on YouTube and other social media. He is of Thai ethnicity, raised in The Netherlands, educated in Scotland and has been all over the world. In our “Pipe Parts” educational segment we will explore the differences between three separate vintages of Escudo tobacco. Our pipes are packed, drinks are poured, the sound check is done … pack a pipe, sit back, relax and join us for The Pipes Magazine Radio Show.

Tonight’s show is sponsored by,,, Missouri Meerschaum,, and, Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.

We hope you enjoy our 1-hour show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector. The following link will launch a pop-up player. Alternatively, you can download the show in iTunes and other podcast sites and apps after the initial broadcast is complete here.

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The Scotch Piper

The Scotch Piper YouTube Page
The Scotch Piper Facebook Page

Different Vintages of Escudo Brian Talked About – (Click the photos for large detailed images)

More Pipes and Tobaccos Articles

7 Responses

  • Hi new guy on the radio show.
    Do I have really a chance to aging 7 years even 2 years? No no no
    I bought 5 can of Sutliff Blend No. 5 and 1 can of cd blend all 8 oz june 2013.
    I smoked 4 can out of 6 already. What do you think? No I can’t.…
    It is first time listen and a great show. I feel very happy living and smoking in USA
    even I am the only one smoke pipes in town I guess.Well I have radio show and forum. Let’s cheer up all pipe smokers.

  • HI Brian,
    Nice observations on the three Escudo tins from different time periods. I will be curious to see what you think once you smoke them. We will be doing the same with old Crown Achievement and the new Crown Achievement (once I get a tin) as it is about the only latakia blend I can stand.
    The Scotch Piper – It seems he has been all over. His journey to pipe smoking was similar to may of us. He is giving good advice to the younger generation through his Utube channel. I enjoyed this interview very much Brian.
    Great choice, Chris Thiele for the music. He is an eminent mandolin artist.
    Good Rant Brian.
    Keep up the good work.

  • Brian,
    Really enjoyed the interview. The statement made that there is always something to learn about pipes is so true. I love to learn new things and agree that pipes are an amazing hobby that will keep my interest for decades to come.
    Excellent chose in music the flight of the butterfly makes the single digit and sub-zero temperatures seem a little more tolerable since here in central Illinois we are experiencing the second wave of sub-zero temps.
    Looking forward to Chicago pipe show have already set the dates with my work and spouse.
    Another great show.

  • Oh, thank you Doctor.
    Brian, I absolutely love that you share your eclectic taste in music with your listeners. As Ellington, Armstrong and Rossini were wont to say, “There’s only two kinds of music, good music and bad.” Imagine the terrific CD that could be compiled of “The Music of the Pipes Magazine Radio Show.”
    Also, a very interesting, entertaining and inspiring conversation with Ped. What a remarkable gentleman, and valuable asset to our pipe community.

  • Really nice show.
    I just love Escudo. Even though the current stuff isn’t as good as the old stuff (Cope’s & A/C) it is still an excellent tobacco. I was somewhat surprised at the difference in appearance of the tobaccos over a fairly short time frame. I am really looking forward to Brian’s taste testing of the three different ages. I think some of us Escudo snobs would be thrilled to hear that this stuff really ages well and is comparable to the older stuff.
    I really liked that Ped is trying to spread the word to younger pipe smokers. He has a much better chance than us geezers do.
    Chris Thile is always a treat to listen to. The guy is just a master at his craft.
    Can’t say I agree with the rant though Brian spot on in saying the guy’s language was exemplary. His delivery? Not so much.

  • Brian – Thanks for another great show. I’m very excited to hear more results on the tobacco aging test.
    Chris Thile is, in my opinion, one of the great musicians of our time. I’ve played guitar for almost twenty years now, and it was listening to Chris Thile on mandolin that inspired me to pick up that instrument over the past year. I have one of his instructional videos and have watched lots of his Youtube videos. If you have a little time, check this out. Amazing.

  • Let the words of The Scotch Piper remind us of how important it is the help new pipe smokers. I loved how his Dutch jewelry teacher helped him find a better pipe and tobacco. Great interview!!! Keppit up!