The Pipes Magazine Radio Show – Episode 6

We are pleased to bring you our 6th weekly episode of the Pipes Magazine Radio Show. Our featured guest tonight is Erik Stokkebye. The Stokkebye name is known to most, if not all pipe smokers as his family has been in the business since 1882. For the “Pipe Basics” segment Brian will discuss storing and displaying pipes in your pipe rack.

Tonight’s show is sponsored by, Missouri Meerschaum, and Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.

We hope you enjoy our 45-minute show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector. The following link will launch a pop-up player. Alternatively, you can download the show in iTunes after the initial broadcast is complete here.

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18 Responses

  • Love the weekly song! Blues are the Best!
    Reminds me of my Memphis Days and BB King Concerts! Plus Elvis and Graceland of course!

  • This was one FANTASTIC show! Even the commercials were tops! (I hope that Maxwell House spot was a paid ad.) The pipe rack chat had a lot more info than I thought possible, the interview with Eric Stokkebye was excellent, and the “rant” was packed with truly useful travel tips. Good goin’ Brian! I look forward to many more shows. Again, one of the fastest 45 minutes of my week.
    ps. Who doesn’t like the Blues?

  • I could hear it all just fine but could hardly hear what Mr. Stokkebye was saying.
    To me it sounded like he was sitting in a sound proof room trying to talk. I could only make out half of what he was saying. I hope it was a good show.

  • I was able to hear Mr. Stokkebye pretty well, but there are audio quality problems. The sound had kind of an echo to it, like a telephone conference call on a speaker-phone. There must be a way to get the audio to sound warmer — less like an empty room with hard walls, and more like a studio. Maybe an audio consultant can offer suggestions.

  • It’s not easy pulling these things off on the fly, and on a shoestring budget, but we will continue to work very hard to improve all aspects of the show.
    Compared to some podcasts out there, I think we are 10 times better. Compared to a real radio show, I think we’re not that far off, and that is what we are striving for.
    Thanks for listening, and for the feedback.

  • Wonderful show with lots of good content. Brian is really settling into his role as host. The interview was much more skillful and organized than the previous ones.
    I have no problem with the audio for Brian and his guests (who are obviously on a phone/Skype setup). I just turn it up until I can hear properly. The problem is the recorded segments which then become very loud.

  • Awesome show this time. Spilled my coffee all over the patio when Brian told the world that he likes to play with his marbles. awesome interview, too.

  • Another great show. All the talk about Las Vegas makes me want to plan a trip there but I will probably be driving because TSA sucks.

  • Good show, Brian. While I found the interview and rant very informative, I really enjoyed Gatemouth’s tune. It might be entertaining to occasionally feature music by pipe smokers.

  • Excellent show, I liked every aspect and every segment. Best one yet. I could hear Eric without difficulty, and I am pretty deaf, just ask my kids. I just turned up the volume on my lap top and caught all of it. It did have a different quality but it was still fine.

  • Another great show! I love the pipe and tobacco information segments. Keep them coming! I would love to hear more about how tobacco blenders come up with new blends; stories and histories of blends would be great!

  • And that story about the TSA taking, i.e. stealing, your lighter (…which is what they did since it was completely unnecessary to confiscate it…) almost made my head explode. Sorry Brian!

  • Enjoyed the show! Stokkebye was a great choice… Gatemouth and the BLUZZ – – hey, keep it tuned in – – and turned UP! Great Stuff…

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