The Pipes Magazine Radio Show – Episode 59

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Kevin Godbee
Thank you for joining us for The Pipes Magazine Radio Show—the only radio talk show for pipe smokers and collectors. We want to thank you for listening and being one of our loyal 15,000 weekly fans. In tonight’s “Pipe Parts” segment Brian will talk about the different kinds of tobacco blends that fall into the categories of “English”, “Scottish” and “Balkan”. There is often confusion as to what these designations mean, so we will discuss the differences. Our Featured Interview tonight is with pipe maker Trever Talbert. We decided to have Trever for our Halloween show since he is best-known for his extremely unique “Halloween Pipes”. He is also one of the first pipe makers to ever make Morta pipes. Our pipes are packed, drinks are poured, the sound check is done … pack a pipe, sit back, relax and join us for The Pipes Magazine Radio Show.

Tonight’s show is sponsored by,,, Missouri Meerschaum,, and, Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.

We hope you enjoy our 50-minute show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector. The following link will launch a pop-up player. Alternatively, you can download the show in iTunes after the initial broadcast is complete here.

Listen & Download With These Apps as Well
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Trever Talbert Halloween Pipe

Talbert Pipes Website

Brian Levine Stories of the Magic (Disney Podcast) – Part 1

Brian Levine Stories of the Magic (Disney Podcast) – Part 2

Brian Levine Stories of the Magic (Disney Podcast) – Part 3

More Pipes and Tobaccos Articles

9 Responses

  • A bit late in posting the podcast tonight, Kevin must have enjoyed dinner.
    Hey Brian,
    Nice discussion on the English, Scottish, and Balkan tobaccos.
    Trevor has been making good pipes for a long time. I have always envied his HP Lovecraft based pipes. One of his pipes is featured in a Emperor Leopaldo story.
    Bach? Thought Danse Macabre by Saint-sance would have been more appropriate.
    Good rant – 100% on target.
    Keep up the good work,,,,have fun in Vegas!

  • On the note of Latakia: Living in Cyprus, I am really curious in seeing ANY evidence for Latakia coming from Cyprus. Certainly the Greek-speaking part hasn’t produced any for yolks — perhaps as far back as the invasion from 1974. I also believe that in the since occupied north, there is still tobacco production. But, as far as I know, the Latakia from there is either of low quality (due to resources and know-how) or imported (from Turkey?) — if there is ANY production… However, since so many manufacturers label their Latakias as either “Cyprus/Cyprian” or “Syria/Syrian”, I would like to learn more!

  • Very good interview, learned a lot as always. I often wondered what Morta’s attraction was, other than being different. Glad that knowledge is out there. It is also encouraging to know that I am not the only smoker who has 9mm pipes in his rotation, on this side of the Atlantis, anyway.

  • Nope, you’re not the only one. Everybody in the states looks at me like I’m possessed when I pull out a 9mm pipe, but to me it’s just one more option in the smoking experience. Especially around this time of year when friends and family are coming round for Christmas gatherings, it’s handy to have something that will let me smoke some of those wonderfully cookie-scented aromatic tobacs without getting my tongue crisped off.
    Regarding morta, it occurred to me in retrospect that maybe I should have talked about the differences in shaping it and drilling it (It has different “rules” regarding bowl and airhole sizes, for instance), but I dunno, that might have been too boring for the non-makers anyway.

  • Just a sensational show. I thought the discussion of Latakia was very informative. I am sure traditionalists might disagree with Brian’s definitions, but they certainly are accurate for today’s tobacco world. The interview was excellent. Trever was just a great guest. Really liked the discussion on Morta pipes. I would really like to get a good one one of these days. The blurring of the holidays just sucks.