Kevin Godbee
Thank you for joining us for The Pipes Magazine Radio Show—the only radio talk show for pipe smokers and collectors. We want to thank you for listening and being one of our loyal 15,000 weekly fans. Your host is Brian Levine and in tonight’s “Pipe Parts” segment you will get some insight to the business side of our pastime. Brian will give you some background on the largest trade show for the professional retail tobacconists—The IPCPR Show. Tonight’s featured guest interview is with pipe maker Steve Liskey. Steve started making pipes when he was 19-years old, and has been crafting them for nearly 10-years now. He has his own unique voice and style when it comes to pipe making. Steve will be talking to us about several interesting things, including some intriguing information on the use of bamboo in pipe making.
Tonight’s show is sponsored by,, Amadeus Pipes,, Missouri Meerschaum,, and, Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.
We hope you enjoy our 50-minute show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector. The following link will launch a pop-up player. Alternatively, you can download the show in iTunes after the initial broadcast is complete here.
Pipe Maker Steve Liskey –
Mr. Potato Head in Simpler Times with a Pipe
Ok Brian, I’m here, but you are not…Is it real or Memorex? Maybe I am pre-recorded.
IPCPR…geeze, much better when it was RTDA. Of course that was then.
Steve Liskey – interesting pipe making career. Interesting story on the Bamboo. Needs some additional pictures on the website, imho. Nice interview.
Poetry- nice. very nice. It brings the emotion to me about how Tom Dunn must have felt about his Ephemeris.
Bill Cosby – what can you say? He was an original (still is).
There are a couple of other government officials you know…Ask Bill K. about his favorite one.
Good Show, as usual.
Another fine show. Steve Liskey was one of the winners in the 2012 GKCPC Pipe Carving Contest. Met him and his future wife in Chicago in 2012. Very nice couple.
The Cosby bit was a hilarious. “Some of you will be killed”.
Mike Sull, penman, poet, superstar! At our last club meeting Mike & Mary McNiel brought the tobaccos they specifically blended for sale at our recent show. One of the blends was a light aromatic (hazelnut?) that was named Master Penman in honor of Mike. Mary wrote just the loveliest dedication to Mike on the label. There were only 45 tins of this made and they gave Mike 15 of them.
Great show once again. Please don’t let Kevin pick the music. I’ve never been a fan of THAT version of the Star Spangled Banner. I love the classical music and the jazz, but, we’ll just say this is one for the delete button.
Other than this I really enjoy listening to ALL of the guests you interview and like to hear from such a a diverse group of people that enjoy smoking and making pipes. Keep up the great work!
Hi Brian
Great show this week have been enjoying your podcast on iTunes I especially enjoy your interviews with some of the worlds major pipe makers. Do you plan in future show to up north in Canada and maybe introduce the world to some of our Canadian pipe makers like Blatter & Blatter of Montreal Canada? Keep up the good and looking forward to your next podcast.
Giorgio aka balcifer.