The Pipes Magazine Radio Show – Episode 21

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Kevin Godbee
Welcome to Episode 21. Since it’s our 21st show, we decided to do a little drinking. Brian took one for the team and did some drinking and smoking experiments to see if he could come up with some good tobacco & spirits pairings. He’ll report the results in our first segment. Our feature interview tonight is with pipes & tobaccos industry legend Marty Pulvers. Marty was the proprietor of the now defunct Sherlock’s Haven in San Francisco, which Forbes Magazine once rated as “one of the top 10 tobacconists in the world.” Currently, Marty sells a vast selection of estate pipes on his website, Pulvers’ Briar, and he is co-organizer of the West Coast Pipe Show held in Las Vegas the first weekend in November.

Tonight’s show is sponsored by, Missouri Meerschaum,, and Cup O’ Joes. Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.

We hope you enjoy our 45-minute show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector. The following link will launch a pop-up player. Alternatively, you can download the show in iTunes after the initial broadcast is complete here.

If you have an Android device, you can subscribe to the show on Podkicker.

The Pipes Magazine Radio Show is also available via the Stitcher app. Stitcher can be used in different car radios in certain automobiles from BMW, Ford and General Motors. Stitcher also works on iPhones, iPads and Android smart phones.

Marty Pulvers

Marty’s web site has a nice selection of estate pipes at:

See Marty’s video interview with “Pipe Babe” Cynthia here

More Pipes and Tobaccos Articles

13 Responses

  • I love pipes, but I agree with Marty, that it’s more about the tobacco …

    Ironically, what he sells now are the pipes! Ha ha!

  • Another Excellent show Brian, especially the rant. You hit it head on. At least Im not the only one who is sick of seeing that stuff on facebook.

  • Holy shit! (as Marty might say) Whiskey and tobacco, Monk and Bags, and the always straight-shootin’ Marty Pulvers. One couldn’t ask for a better show.
    This one’s gonna be tough to top, but I’m confident you will.
    By the way, my favorite pairing: Jack Daniel’s with two ice cubes, and a bowl of McClelland’s Drama Reserve.

  • The rant at the end was an inside joke. I frequently post photos of sunsets and food on my personal Facebook, and Brian was teasing me about it. He likes to make friendly jibes at Greg Pease and I. Did you hear him say that it took me 14 takes for my voice-over? It took 2 takes.
    Did you ever notice how the Saturday Night Live cast occasionally made fun of Lorne Michaels? Same here. It’s all in fun.

  • Another good show. Marty is one of the great raconteurs of the pipe smoking hobby.
    Not being much of a drinker so I am ambivalent about my favorite beverage with a pipe. Coffee is okay.

  • Once again, a great show Brian.
    First podcast I caught a day late. Spent 3hrs at a 3-band hard rock concert (my guitar instructor was the lead in one of the groups) and found out I will be a grandfather for the 3rd time later this year. I hope you will excuse the delay.
    Marty Pulvers, what can you say? A true gentleman. I obtained one of my prized Castello GGG Old Antiquari Hawkbills from him. A man with a wealth of knowledge. I am glad he spoke highly of McC #5100 – Red Kake, my favorite tobacco. The mixture he mentioned (2/3 #5100 and 1/3 #5105) is great! Simliar to TOMs Red and Black sold at store in Fair Oaks Mall near Washington DC. I believe it is both the pipe and the tobacco. It takes both to make a great smoke. A bad pipe can ruin a good tobacco. A bad tobacco can ruin a good pipe. Technique is important also.
    Theonious Monk – a great choice. Did you hear the CD with him and Coltraine?
    RE: Sunsets and food – I agree. Show me photos of people enjoying a great pipe and tobacco.
    Keep up the good work and safe travel.
    RE: Trivia – the star was used on pipes imported to the US as a white bar was already trademarked in the US. The white bar was always used elsewhere outside the US. The star has been discontinued and the white bar is used everywhere as of several years ago.

  • Nobody can cuss like an East Coaster!
    Marty warmed my heart!
    Great learning about all those different blends, and Marty’s advice as to how to go about it. As well as the beverage pairings.
    Informative as usual; love the show!
    Fr. Dave

  • Excellent and entertaining.
    Great interview!
    Thanks for the Monk. I met his son T.S. Monk last year – he’s a fine drummer and is carrying on the musical tradition.
    One question: is the camel dung story for real? I’ve been told that’s apocryphal and not to be believed.

  • According to GL Pease the use of camel dung is just a myth:
    Q: Is Latakia really cured over smoldering camel dung?
    A: The only smoldering dung is that used to fuel the myths about Latakia. I wouldn’t really care if the myth were reality, since I really love the stuff, but, it’s important to understand that a variety of herbs and hardwoods are used in the processing of Latakia, not camel dung. No matter how many times I say this, the myth will probably be promulgated until the Sun stops revolving about the Earth… (That’s a joke, by the way, just in case it isn’t obvious*.)

  • Great show guys, thanks so much. I had heard about Marty Pulvers when I first got into pipes back in 2000 and about his store. It sounded like a great place and it is a shame it no longer exists. I do have Marty to thank because he sold me my first Rad Davis pipe( A group 5 black Lovat) which began my journey into American artisan pipes. I now have 13 Rad Davis pipes with more coming, so Marty you should give Rad a call and ask for your cut.