Kevin Godbee
Thank you for joining us for The Pipes Magazine Radio Show—the only radio talk show for pipe smokers and collectors. We broadcast weekly, every Tuesday at 8 pm eastern USA time and are available on nearly all podcast sites and apps. Listen on your computer, tablet, phone and even in the car! Our Featured Interview tonight is with female pipe maker, Silver Gray. Female pipe smokers are rare and woman pipe makers are even more uncommon! With her tutelage under master artisan, Brad Pohlmann, she has come a long way over the last 3.5 years, and makes wonderful pipes, each one with a heart carved into it. In the "Pipe Parts" segment, Brian will discuss proper pipe storage and cleaning. Pipes can be delicate, and Brian has improved his process through his learning experiences with his own pipes. Sit back, relax with your pipe, and enjoy The Pipes Magazine Radio Show!
Tonight’s show is sponsored by,, Missouri Meerschaum,, Cornell & Diehl, and Savinelli Pipes and Tobaccos. Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.
We hope you enjoy our 1-hour show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector. The following link will launch a pop-up player. Alternatively, you can download the show in iTunes and other podcast sites and apps after the initial broadcast is complete here.
Pipe Maker Silver Gray
Silver’s Facebook Page
A lovely conversation with a lovely lady, who, by the way, makes some rather lovely pipes.
My method of keeping stems and bits clean: as I don’t have a buffer, after each smoke I use Flitz polish on the stem (it’s safe, USDA approved), and finish with a coat of Obsidian oil. It works for me.
An entertaining show, thanks.
Another fun episode there Brian! Silver is a great lady; I hung out with both her and Brad this past Chicago show. Great people. I also caught the nod to Gene Wilder at the end of your show. Nice touch!
best to you
Good show! Silver was a fun guest. A nice touch on the Gene Wilder tribute.
Brian: You need to pick up a vintage Savinelli Pipe Boy to mount in your new Mini!