Kevin GodbeeThank you for joining us for The Pipes Magazine Radio Show—the only radio talk show for pipe smokers and collectors. We broadcast weekly, every Tuesday at 8 pm eastern USA time and are available on nearly all podcast sites and apps. Listen on your computer, tablet, phone and even in the car! Our Featured Interview tonight is with Dave Neeb. Dave is a retired maritime lawyer from Wisconsin that has been a life-long pipe smoker. He is best known in the pipe world as a great pipe maker and expert pipe restorer. He also takes consignments, and offers accessories on his website. He is an active participant in the Forums as well. In the "Pipe Parts" segment, Brian will discuss the classic pipe shape names and how they came about. Sit back, relax with your pipe, and enjoy The Pipes Magazine Radio Show!
Tonight’s show is sponsored by,, Missouri Meerschaum,, Cornell & Diehl, and Savinelli Pipes and Tobaccos. Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.
We hope you enjoy our 1-hour show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector. The following link will launch a pop-up player. Alternatively, you can download the show in iTunes and other podcast sites and apps after the initial broadcast is complete here.
Pipe Maker & Restorer, Dave Neeb –
Hi Brian!
I’m in Chicago. During the show, I usually clean my pipe of the day (or past days), or, I surf the page of that night’s guest, when one is linked.
Mostly though, I’m in rapt attention to the conversation, or to the musings of the host, and his musical offering.
Tonight’s show was particularly diverting, as I only had yesterday’s cob to clean (an American pipe with an American tobacco, McClelland’s 5100, for America’s birthday). Interesting “pipe parts,” good conversation, and fun music. Thanks.
I await the 200th. show with bated breath. (I’m told a good mint lozenge can help with that.)
Congratulations on your bi-centennial. 200 hours or broadcast. That doesn’t count the 15 minutes of prep you do for each show. (I’m kidding)
The Pipes Magazine website has been my anchor in my quest for new pipe and tobacco information. I listen, sometimes raptly, to your podcast usually on Wed. mornings in front of my laptop as I scan my regular news site rotation, and smoke a pipe.
I can’t help but think that ‘we’ve’ only scratched the surface of the insights available to us from Dave (I too, thought it was Mike Law) Neeb. Thank you!
Hi Brian!
Another great show as per usual! 🙂
Wow! Congrats on your 200 hours! That is some effort!!
I mostly tend to listen to your show at work, sneakily using a hidden earpiece so no-one catches on. Ha-ha.
(Not that it’s my place to comment on another country’s policies- so I apologise for any offence caused). But the American War for Independence was to prevent any laws and controls being enacted onto it’s people that they did not want/need. And recently, from what I’ve seen and heard; that is exactly what your government (& FDA) are doing to you now (and then some).
I hope and prey your livelihood, businesses and hobbies are not damaged irreparably by the recent changes!
Looking forwards to many more good shows!
All the best.
Great show Brian and congratulations on 200 episodes.I used to listen to the show at work but unfortunately I can no longer get WI-FI at work,so now I normally listen to the show on Wednesday night, outside while smoking my pipe and drinking whiskey.
I forgot to comment on this last week but another good show. I was somewhat surprised that MKELAW stood for Milwaukee Law. I just assume his name was Mike Law.