Kevin Godbee
Thank you for joining us for The Pipes Magazine Radio Show—the only radio talk show for pipe smokers and collectors. We broadcast weekly, every Tuesday at 8 pm eastern USA time and are available on nearly all podcast sites and apps. Listen on your computer, tablet, phone and even in the car! Our Featured Interview tonight is with Stephen L. Willett. Stephen is the President of L.J. Peretti, the second oldest retail tobacconist in the country, established back in 1870 in Boston. He actually bought his first pipe there about 45-years ago when he was in college, and now he runs the business! In the "Pipe Parts" segment with the biggest show of the year, The Chicago pipe show, coming up, we though it would be a good idea to talk about how to prepare for going to a pipe show. Sit back, relax with your pipe, and enjoy The Pipes Magazine Radio Show!
Tonight’s show is sponsored by,, Missouri Meerschaum,, Cornell & Diehl, and Savinelli Pipes and Tobaccos. Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.
We hope you enjoy our 1-hour show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector. The following link will launch a pop-up player. Alternatively, you can download the show in iTunes and other podcast sites and apps after the initial broadcast is complete here.
Stephen L. Willett, President of L.J. Peretti
L.J. Peretti Website
Great show again Brian & very interesting interview. Maybe Peretti is the one who came up with the “English” label for a tobacco; as with most Latakia style tobaccos here in UK tend to be labelled as such: “Latakia blend” etc?
Rant: Couldn’t agree more with the jokes. If it’s not laugh-worthy or in good taste, leave it to the professionals!
Cheers 🙂
An excellent guest this week. Sure wish we had a shop like that in Central California. Sigh, we don’t… Looking forward to the next episode.
That was a great choice for an interview. I just try some of the Century blend, I don’t recall many latakia blends with black cavendish. Dinner with John Redman and Mr. Dunhill,yep, that’s a memorable moment.
I enjoyed Brians comments about behaviour at a pipe show. However I don’t completely agree one point – at times, I think making a respectful offer to an artisan make sense. (it always makes sense on estate pipes, my opinion). These days, many new artisans take some heat for what is perceived as high asking prices. If an artisan vendor is not having a good show, perhaps their pricing is out of line. Making a respectful offer, to commensurate with the craftsmanship doesn’t seem out of line to me and might be a wake-up call to a new artist. Also, near the end of the show, a vendor may not have made enough to cover their costs and they might appreciate a respectful offer. No one appreciates a rude offer and if it is declined, I always say, “thanks, I appreciate your consideration”. There are some well established artisans where I would not attempt this, Tonni Neilson,etc. Even so, I suspect Tonni would smile and politely say “no thank you”. That works for me.
Great show BRIAN. Excellent interview….very interesting. Tried using coffee grounds to get foul smelling Joura back into shape. It worked great! Thank you for your fine show. Be well
Bend, Oregon
Loved this interview!! Loved loved loved! Since the beginning of the Radio Show I was waiting to hear an interview with someone from LJ Peretti! This was where I bought my first pipe in 2006 right before I left the USA and came back to Brazil. I was 26 then. I sadly lost the Peretti bend billiard I bought there! But will never forget the sweet memory of getting into the place! A pipe smoker dream site, I would say. Thanks for the show, I liked the lyrics of the song. Chicago pipe show – one day, one day. I’m specially happy because the Brazilian Gustavo Cunha from marTelo Pipes is going for his first time this year. All the best for him and all the new pipe carvers who will have a opportunity to show off their craft.
Ah, if only the walls shown behind Mr. Willett in the image above could talk – what stories they could tell of pipe-smokers past and their pipes. Thank-you Mr. Willett for carrying on a worthy tradition, and thank-you Brian for an engaging and interesting discussion with him.
Will there be tobacconists the likes of L.J. Peretti 146-years from now? I certainly hope so.