The Pipes Magazine Radio Show – Episode 161

Kevin Godbee
Thank you for joining us for The Pipes Magazine Radio Show—the only radio talk show for pipe smokers and collectors. We broadcast weekly, every Tuesday at 8 pm eastern USA time and are available on nearly all podcast sites and apps. Listen on your computer, tablet, phone and even in the car! Our Featured Interview tonight is with Sally Gottliebson. Sally is also know as "The Pipe Tart", which is her artisan pipe retail business. She can be found at every pipe show in the US and even some abroad. She has previously worked in a retail tobacconist, is a retired teacher, and is also an actor. In "Pipe Parts", Brian will wrap the final segment of tobacco history. Sit back, relax with your pipe, and enjoy The Pipes Magazine Radio Show!

Tonight’s show is sponsored by,,, Missouri Meerschaum,, Cornell & Diehl, and Savinelli Pipes and Tobaccos, and Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.

We hope you enjoy our 1-hour show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector. The following link will launch a pop-up player. Alternatively, you can download the show in iTunes and other podcast sites and apps after the initial broadcast is complete here.

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Sally Drees Gottliebson, The Pipe Tart

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5 Responses

  • Hi Brian,
    Of course I know Sally AKA “The Pipe Tart”. Sally is a very gracious and fun to be with person. I have smoked many a bowls with her and others after hours at pipe shows. I wonder if Jim gets a vote on the pipes Sally brings home to sell. OMG she told about the flaming pouch. I was at the table for the event! I believe it was at Chicago, and at the next KC meeting they had a fire extinguisher for her just in case. Like I said, a fun pipe person.
    Music, Bob Bitner – Naomi gets the Last Laugh – interesting to say the least.
    Rant – You could have a boring month for your birthday, try March.
    Great show.

  • Another great show Brian, one of the few shows I’ve been up late enough and compos mentis (read sober!) enough to listen to “live”.
    By pure coincidence I’m sat here smoking a massive Kaywoodie Handmade that I bought from Sally at the Chicago show this year and enjoying your conversation, Sally sounds even nicer that I realised and you have some good banter between the two of you. I’ll look for the photos of you on, can anyone say blackmail?…
    Music, not quite to my taste but not bad.
    Rant, Halloween is bad enough for the beginning of October but I saw Christmas stuff in the shops this week!
    Happy birthday though I hope you have a good one whenever it is.

  • Really nice finish to the pipe history series. I hope people enjoyed that as much as I did.
    Sally Gottliebson is just a delight person and one of the treasures of the hobby. I am not an Italian pipe guy so I have limited opportunity to purchase from her. I was clever enough to buy one from her at the last KC show and we used it as the 1st prize in our slow smoke competition. The buffalo ball sack story is reaching legendary proportions. I was at that show but was unfortunate not to be a first person witness to the event. Any one interested in acquiring one of these items can go to Sally’s entrance into the pipe world was very interesting. I bet being in a class taught by her must have been a hoot.
    I guess I would have preferred “Monster Mash” for the song.
    I hate horror movies. I can’t imagine why anyone would create these things for a viewing public that is borderline psychotic and armed to the teeth. If anything we need more calming movies like the “Grass Grows at Midnight” or something.

  • Met Sally at the NOLA pipe show and she was great to deal with. Also happen to be smoking the one I got from her.