Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 612

Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 612

Welcome to The Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 612. Our featured interview tonight is with Pipe Maker Brad Pohlmann. Brad has been crafting pipes for decades. His pipes are works of art and masterpieces in engineering. You’ll often find exotic woods, horn and bamboo as accents on Brad’s pipes. He now shares a workshop with fellow pipe maker Silver Gray.  At the top of the show Brian will discuss the best way to sell pipes that you no longer want.

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Pipe Maker Brad Pohlmann and Silver Gray
Pipe Maker Brad Pohlmann and Silver Gray

Pohlmann Pipes

The Pipes Magazine Radio Show features interviews with pipe makers, tobacco blenders, pipe and tobacco aficionados, collectors, and more. Episodes air every Tuesday.

Our show is sponsored by SmokingPipes.com, Cornell & Diehl, Missouri Meerschaum, Savinelli Pipes and Tobaccos, Peterson Pipes and TinBids. Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.

We hope you enjoy our 1-hour show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector.

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3 Responses

  • While I’m probably never gonna sell any of my pipes, your information about methods to make a good deal in selling one’s pipes was very enlightening.
    I really enjoyed your visit with our friend Brad. Although we meet on a fairly regular basis, we rarely have a chance to get into his craft as deeply as you and he did in this revealing interview. Nicely done.
    Mark Knopfler’s “Back to Tupelo” was a good suggestion from Jennings.
    That was a very warm and sweet goodbye to your friend Walter. May his memory be eternal.
    Thanks for another always entertaining show.

  • Hedy Brian
    It has been quite awhile since I commented. I won’t bore you with the details of my hiatus, but I wanted to say that I really enjoyed this episode with Brad. His down to earth manner of speaking was really welcoming.
    I also wanted to take the opportunity to make your listeners aware of a new TV series on Netflix called Hitler and the Rise of the Nazis: Evil on trial. Aside from being a gripping history of that terrible time, the program is :narrated” by the journalist/historian William Shirer, an inveterate pipe smoker and there are many great pipe smoking shots of him and others. I’ve posted info about this in the forums but I thought you might give it a mention. Full disclosure: My son was an Executive Producer on the show. Again, thanks for all that you do. I am catching up with some of the shows I missed recently.

  • Unloading your pipes that no longer covet is an exasperating task. The ideal way to sell them is at a show to people you know and who know you. That isn’t always practical for most of us. There is always the eBay route, which is good for getting rid of the pipes, but you stand to lose a good bit of your gain due to eBay fees, shipping, seller’s costs, etc. And the loss of revenue due to the recent devaluation of estates could be a real deal breaker.
    I have always thought that Brad Pohlmann was one of the 5 best carvers in the U.S. I really like the sandblasts he does. They are wonderful to look at. I’ve always wanted to own one, but they are just out of my financial reach. I find it sad that more people don’t know of him. I greatly enjoyed your interview with him and really appreciate him opening up to you. As you know Brad can be kind of taciturn at times. I hate to see him lessen his production but he’s at that time of life.
    Knopfler’s rendering of “Back to Tupelo” was enjoyable. Was the title some kind of oblique reference to Elvis??
    Saying goodbye to someone is a very trying business. Sometimes the adage that “Life goes on” is rather a pain in the keister but it is how it is.

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