Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 598

Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 598

Welcome to The Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 598. Our featured interview tonight is with Steve “PipeStud” Fallon. Steve has one of the most popular consignment-auction businesses for estate pipes and vintage tobaccos that he’s been running since 2006. If you know Steve, you know he’s a big fan of the original Dunhill blend, Royal Yacht. The last time Steve was on the show was in 2020, so we’ll see what’s new with him, and the estate pipes and vintage tobaccos business. At the top of the show, Brian will discuss what to do with the tiny bits of tobacco at the bottom of the tin.

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Steve Fallon
Steve Fallon

Pipe Stud’s Consignment Shop

The Pipes Magazine Radio Show features interviews with pipe makers, tobacco blenders, pipe and tobacco aficionados, collectors, and more. Episodes air every Tuesday.

Our show is sponsored by SmokingPipes.com, Cornell & Diehl, Missouri Meerschaum, Savinelli Pipes and Tobaccos, Peterson Pipes and TinBids. Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.

We hope you enjoy our 1-hour show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector.

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3 Responses

  • Some good ideas on repurposing the remaining tobacco in a tin.
    Nice to catch up with our friend Steve. That was an engaging conversation you guys had about pipes, tobacco, and the future of our community. I was particularly impressed by Steve’s view that the relationship between pipe smoker and pipe carver will add to a heightened satisfaction with that pipe.
    Nickel Creek’s “Hollywood Ending” was a wonderfully complex, yet lyrical, tune. Good choice!
    Your new home woes remind me of what Roseanne Roseannadanna used to say, “It’s always something.” I hope for the best.
    Thanks for another always entertaining show.

    • Always enjoy listening to Steve on your show. I have a “Frankenstein jar” that collects all the odds and ends and last bits of tins and pouches. I call it “poor mans tobacco” Sometimes I’ll smoke it just for something different. I did an experiment and pressed some of it for a few months. Shameless plug to my youtube channel, I put together a little video on it. Good luck on all your house projects we’ll miss you at Muletown, but looking forward to sharing a bowl in Chicago!

  • A really wonderful show!! Dealing with the dottle doesn’t present much of a problem for me. I usually have only two tins open at a time and their both VaPers. So, if I have a little left over in one tin, I just dump it in with the other blend.
    Steve is just a marvelous interview. He always has a story to tell about everything. I really enjoyed his remarks that you always have your best smokes out of a pipe that you bought directly from the carver. I wholeheartedly agree with him on that. His stories that he told about the undrilled pipe and the opened tin of 759 were hilarious. In the first the buyer did nothing wrong and in the second it was a howl!! “There isn’t anything wrong with that is there?” I have also noticed the decline in value of estate pipe prices. I will be one of those who will lose money on the changing habits of estate buyers. C’est la vie.
    Didn’t like the music. It seems like ever since Chris Thile left the group, they have steadily moved their music to the far right of progressive.
    I know what you mean about buying a used house. I can recall the dishwasher shooting craps after we were in the house a few days. I got filleted alive over that. After 19 years in the house, I am staring at needing a new roof, a new water heater, and a new furnace. It’s great being me.
