Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 575

Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 575
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Welcome to The Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 575. We have a special show tonight to celebrate the start of our 12th year. In lieu of an interview, Brian will be joined by another popular pipe podcast host – Jon David Cole. JD is the Owner/Tobacconist at The Country Squire in Jackson, MS, and he is the former co-host of the now discontinued podcast, Country Squire Radio. Country Squire Radio ran for 10-years and is still one of the most popular pipe-niche podcasts. Having these two pipe and tobacco brainiacs bouncing off of each other for over 45-minutes will be a blast. We will be preempting our usual first segment to start right off with JD. We will have the usual music, mailbag and rant at the end of the show.

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Jon David Cole
Jon David Cole

Here is the YouTube video of the full music piece.

The Pipes Magazine Radio Show features interviews with pipe makers, tobacco blenders, pipe and tobacco aficionados, collectors, and more. Episodes air every Tuesday.

Our show is sponsored by SmokingPipes.com, Cornell & Diehl, Missouri Meerschaum, Savinelli Pipes and Tobaccos, Peterson Pipes and TinBids. Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.

We hope you enjoy our 1-hour show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector.

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2 Responses

  • The segment with J. D. Cole that I found most Interesting was the discussion of “limited edition” tobaccos. Also, the comments about pipe shows were right on point.
    That was an achingly beautiful Bach piece by Pablo Casals; and yes, everyone, watch the video.
    Thanks for an obviously heartfelt expression of appreciation to those who have helped keep this show always entertaining. (And thanks for the shout-out to Dan and me.)

  • It was a wonderful show highlighted by a visit by the Country Squire Hobbit, Jon David Cole. It is always a pleasure to hear his voice. The discussion of limited-edition tobaccos was very informative. I find limited editions to be very aggravating. I have tried a number of these and found them rather pedestrian, but every now and again there is an occasional blend that I really like. Fortunately none of them have been the “white whale”.
    I really enjoyed the music piece. Casals can play the phone book and I’d turn up to listen. The Great Masters are just amazing.
    Nice of you give me and Dino a shout out. I’d be remiss if I didn’t say you are the key ingredient in holding this show together. Kudos to you and hopefully another 11 years to boot.
