Welcome to The Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 452! Our featured interview tonight is with Robert Buczek. After having seven shows with seven questions for seven experts, Rob is our second in a series of novice pipe smokers that we pose seven questions to. At the top of the show, for our pipe parts segment, Brian will discuss federal legislation on tobacco, which hasn’t been a happy topic in a long time. (Hint: buy as much as you can now.) Sit back, relax with your pipe, and enjoy The Pipes Magazine Radio Show!
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Seven Questions for Seven Novice Pipe Smokers
1. After you got started smoking a pipe, what was your “Ah Ha!” moment that kind of clicked for you?
2. Which tobaccos did you try based on a recommendation that you did not like?
3. How has your preference in pipes changed over your short time of pipe smoking? Have you developed preferences?
4. What was your holy grail pipe when you started smoking a pipe, and what it is now?
5. Who are a few of your favorite show guests from past episodes, and why?
6. What is your favorite thing to do while smoking a pipe?
7. Brian answers any question.
The Pipes Magazine Radio Show features interviews with pipe makers, tobacco blenders, pipe and tobacco aficionados, collectors, and more. Episodes air every Tuesday.
Our show is sponsored by SmokingPipes.com, Cornell & Diehl, Missouri Meerschaum, Savinelli Pipes and Tobaccos. Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.
We hope you enjoy our 1-hour show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector.
Robert Buczek
I’m always impressed by the familiar path we pipe smokers have travelled, and find myself nodding in recognition whenever “new” pipers tell their story. I enjoyed Robert’s tale, and his unabashed choices, so far. I wish him many years of good smokes and great adventures.
Wes Montgomery might not have been a pipe aficionado, but he sure as hell was smokin’ on “Caravan!” Great musical choice.
Nothing routine about this show. Even with much less hair, your show is always hair-raising.
Greetings Gentlemen!
Groovy episode. Good of Robert for sharing. I too feel the pipe journey is like Karma it get’s better with age. He in store for fun. Coming from a guy in Palo Alto, California, I know how isolating being a smoker of any kind can be. His episode inspired me to get more social with the hobby. I started tuning after the great plague of 2020 and I feel I must have been living under a rock. KEVIN & BRIAN I really appreciate your work and sponsors. Stay lit, Paul.
I agree with Dino. I’ve really been enjoying the novice pipe smoker interviews – well, at least the first two.
This was a very enjoyable show. I’m one of those novice guys as well (4+ years) that falls into the middle age category. It is refreshing to hear the new guys have an opportunity to speak. Even with relative few years under my belt, I find I recall familiar things when others share them from that greener perspective.
Thanks for playing my recommendation of Wes Montgomery. His use of playing octaves in music at the pace that he played them was quite striking. His thumb-strumming style also gave his tone a unique sound, which (fun story) he developed when he was learning to play guitar and trying to be mindful of his neighbors when he played. Now it seems no one has a second thought for their neighbors, but this guy certainly did.
Blessings to you both (Kevin and Brian),
Well, hmmm. I didn’t care for this show as much as the last show. Robert is twice the age of Declan yet you would think Declan was in his 40’s and Robert in his 20’s. Judging by the pipes he is acquiring and the tobacco he is smoking Robert has quite a ways to go to catch up with Declan. This is when I must rely on Levine’s mantra: “If you smoke a pipe you are a friend of mine”.
Wes Montgomery was okay.