Welcome to The Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 451! Our featured interview tonight is with Declan Pollard. After having seven shows with seven questions for seven experts, Declan is our first in a series of novice pipe smokers that we pose seven questions to. He is a 22-year old dual American / British citizen living in Singapore. At the top of the show, for our pipe parts segment, Brian will start giving his answers to the questions he posed to the experts in the previous series. Sit back, relax with your pipe, and enjoy The Pipes Magazine Radio Show!
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Seven Questions for Seven Novice Pipe Smokers
1. After you got started smoking a pipe, what was your “Ah Ha!” moment that kind of clicked for you?
2. Which tobaccos did you try based on a recommendation that you did not like?
3. How has your preference in pipes changed over your short time of pipe smoking? Have you developed preferences?
4. What was your holy grail pipe when you started smoking a pipe, and what it is now?
5. Who are a few of your favorite show guests from past episodes, and why?
6. What is your favorite thing to do while smoking a pipe?
7. Brian answers any question.
The Pipes Magazine Radio Show features interviews with pipe makers, tobacco blenders, pipe and tobacco aficionados, collectors, and more. Episodes air every Tuesday.
Our show is sponsored by SmokingPipes.com, Cornell & Diehl, Missouri Meerschaum, Savinelli Pipes and Tobaccos. Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.
We hope you enjoy our 1-hour show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector.
Declan Pollard Interview
This is great. I love the newer pipe smoking crowd and the vibe they bring to today ?
Brian, what a great idea! Getting the reaction to, and view point of the pipe community, from someone other than us old farts!
Declan was refreshingly erudite for such a young guy, and was a very entertaining and interesting guest. He seems focused, determined and open to new adventures. Bravo Declan!
The wonderfully idiosyncratic version of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” by Alan Parsons was an absolute delight. Being a fan of Parson’s earlier work, this new arrangement was clever and inventive.
It may be getting redundant for me to say, but I was totally entertained this evening. Thanks.
Welcome to the ever so enabling pipe community.
This forum is where we come to express the anxieties derived from the hobby that purportedly leads to relaxed, contemplative, enjoyment of an increasingly controlled (emphasis on troll?) substance.
Please pass the salt?
This was a very surprising show. I was prepared to write a scathing review and yet the young man was a pleasure to listen to. His journey into pipes began on familiar notes as the tobacconist started him on the whirlwind of aromatics but the young man was smart enough to try other things and in a year became a reasonably passable pipe smoker. And his love of Castello pipes so young is just amazing. I, for one, have always thought that Castello makes the finest factory pipes in the world. If this is an example of the young people you have lined up then I say “Bring them on!”
Brian, great interview with an interesting young man. I’m glad I looked at his picture because I love the Richard Nixon t-shirt. I suspect he wears it in mockery of Nixon. I am a long time admirer of our 37th President, and if Declan tires of the shirt, I’ll take it off his hands and wear it proudly. I could start a riot in my neighborhood which is in Occupied Northern Virginia.