Welcome to The Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 449! Our featured interview tonight is with Fred Hanna. Fred has a PhD. and teaches at the Chicago Campus at Adler University. He is also author of the book, The Perfect Smoke. This show is our sixth in Volume II in our series of “Seven Questions for Seven Experts”. Over the course of seven weeks, we will ask seven prominent pipe collectors the same seven pipe related questions, and see how their answers compare. At the top of the show, for our pipe parts segment, Brian will have a review of Rattray’s Black Virginia. Sit back, relax with your pipe, and enjoy The Pipes Magazine Radio Show!
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Seven Questions for Seven Experts
1. If you could only cellar 100 tins, would you prefer to have 100 tins of one blend, 50 tins each of two blends, 25 tins each of four blends, or ten tins each of ten blends?
2. What would those blends be?
3. What is the oldest tobacco you have smoked, and how was your experience with it?
4. How has your preference in pipes changed over time?
5. What is the pipe you own that has the most sentimental value, and why?
6. How does situation affect your pipe and tobacco choice, like outdoor versus indoor, morning versus evening, on the go or in a chair?
7. Which famous pipe smoker from the past would you like to share a bowl with? It has to be someone you’ve never met.
The Pipes Magazine Radio Show features interviews with pipe makers, tobacco blenders, pipe and tobacco aficionados, collectors, and more. Episodes air every Tuesday.
Our show is sponsored by SmokingPipes.com, Cornell & Diehl, Missouri Meerschaum, Savinelli Pipes and Tobaccos. Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.
We hope you enjoy our 1-hour show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector.
Fred Hanna Interview
It’s always fun to share time with my good friend Fred Hanna. He is complex, intelligent, funny and also, sometimes, utterly “FOS.” But his detailed explications of the “Questions” were quite informative and diverting.
With reference to his answer for #7, I would love to be in ear-shot of Fred and Husserl sharing a bowl and discussing phenomenology as it relates to the straight grained pipe.
HCJ is such a music talent, that I continually enjoy your choices of his recordings.
Another always entertaining show. Thanks.
This was a very entertaining show. The Rattray’s review was very informative. I don’t care for straight Virginias and this one sure seemed like it would be a problem for my palette.
Your interview with Fred Hanna was everything that most listeners are hoping to get when we listen to “experts”. It was informative, exciting, irreverent and a joy to listen to. Hanna’s insights on tobacco and pipes was truly special.
HCJ’s take on “[I]Over in the Glory Land[/I]” wasn’t anywhere near the best I have heard but it was still enjoyable.
Marcovitch! surprise! Fred is the best.
Always love Fred’s comments and insights. This is a great series. Interesting how similar the panel’s comments are. Good job.