By Bob Tate
The pouch aroma was of a straight forward tobacco with that Virginia tang and a little bit of sweetness as well. It has a very nice smell. The moisture level was perfect for smoking right away with no drying time needed.
The cut was a little bit chunky, as you can see in Fig.1, so I broke it up and rubbed it out a bit. I used a 2 step packing method and loaded up the bowl. I performed the charring light and got a very nice sweet Virginia taste and aroma. I settled in for the smoke.
From the beginning of the bowl through the mid bowl point, I tasted the sweetness of the tobacco and there was also some tanginess as well. The tanginess balanced out very well with the sweetness and the two complimented each other nicely.
At about mid bowl, the Perique started showing up. I still tasted the sweet and tangy tastes, but now there was a spicy/peppery taste that joined the party. I love in when the Perique dances in while you are smoking a blend. The Perique kept building slightly as the bowl progressed, very nice.
This blend has a very nice, sweet finish with a hint of spice/pepper. It left a nice sweet taste on my lips. This blend is balanced out very well. It starts off nice with some sweetness and tang from the Virginias and right before it could get to a boring point, the Perique comes into play. This is a very good blend and I will definitely be smoking more of it. I Highly Recommend this blend!
Brand: Cornell & Diehl (C&D)
Blend: #067 Bayou Morning
Description: A strictly VA/Perique blend with stoved red VA. One of our most popular bulk Virginia blends.
Country: US
Cut: Ribbon
Tobaccos: Virginia, Perique
Strength: Medium-Full
Taste: Natural sweetness with a slight tang, then some pepperines/spiciness
Room Note: Pleasant to Tolerable
Cornell & Diehl #067 Bayou Morning – Click Here to Order Now!
Cornell & Diehl #067 Bayou Morning – Click Here to Order Now!
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