By Bob Tate
Last night, we returned home from attending and covering the 2009 25th Annual CORPS Show. CORPS stands for Conclave of Richmond Pipe Smokers. We had a great, but very busy, time!
It was great meeting and talking with everyone that we were able to meet. Some were members of the site and others; I hope will become members soon so we can talk and discuss all things pipe related a little more often and in depth.
If there were any members there that that we didn’t get a chance to meet, we apologize. We also apologize for not being able to meet everyone that was in attendance. We really wanted to, but it was a very busy weekend and although we tried to meet and talk with everyone at the show, it was just impossible to do so.
We have a lot of information, videos, pictures, and interviews to go through so give us some time to go through and organize all of it and stay tuned for some great articles, pictures, and videos in the coming days and weeks!
Bob and Kevin