Luciano Pipes Shape Chart

What is so extraordinary about Luciano Pipes is that they devised a way to provide a very high quality Italian pipe at a kind-of "artificially" low price. They are "Hand-Finished" Italian pipes. This means that part of the process is machine-assisted, but the most important parts, like drilling the holes, are done by hand.

This allows for some economies allowing the pipes to be high quality, but sell for much less than others of the same quality. Actually, several of the Luciano samples I saw were better quality than a 100% hand-made Italian pipe that I have, which shall remain nameless.

Here’s some more information in an article from Bob Tate: Luciano Pipes – A Brief History and Review

Luciano Pipe Shape Chart

There is a new shape chart which will come in handy for identifying different pipes shapes that are available. This is a useful reference tool available for download here – Luciano Pipe Shape Chart

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