Gina Roode Smoking a Pipe in the Forest

This is Gina’s third appearance as a Pipe Babe, and she has also been interviewed on The Pipes Magazine Radio Show. Gina is a full time musician with an album of her own original acoustic guitar songs. She is self-taught, and has a quite unique style of playing the guitar. Check out her impressive skills and style in this YouTube Video. She also performs live almost every week at various locations in Southern California, and she is a pipe smoker in real life. You can hear her interview on The Pipes Magazine Radio Show here.

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4 Responses

  • I must say, I signed up as a memeber (after several years of browsing) simply so I could comment on this photo shoot. This is absolutely spectacular, almost beyond words.

  • yea, this is one of the most rude, stuck up, egotistical girls i ever met. I thought she was pretty too until we had a conversation. that thought went out the window in about 3 mins. Im not the only one who seems to have had this similar experience either. Not trying to cause a fuss, but my absolute pet peeve is a woman with that type of attitued.

  • She seemed really nice when Brian interviewed her on The Pipes Magazine Radio Show. Maybe she just doesn’t like you?