Pipe Babe Gabrielle Smoking Maltese Falcon in a Smitty Pipe

Gabrielle is enjoying smoking G. L. Pease Maltese Falcon in a Smitty Pipe from Edward’s Pipe & Tobacco in Tampa, FL. We shot these photos of Gabrielle at Ruby’s Elixir, which is a great Jazz & Blues club in downtown St. Petersburg, Florida. Ruby’s is attached to Central Cigars, a full liquor and cigar bar with several name brand cigars and their own house blends as well. Smoking is permitted not only in the cigar lounge, but in the jazz club as well.

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1 Response

  • Wow! Gabrielle is beautiful! Oh, the pipe is too ;).
    Wish I could meet her… Sorry, but I am a man who appreciates beauty outside as well as in.
