Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 601

Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 601

Welcome to The Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 601. Our featured interview tonight is with Rich Esserman. Rich is one of our regular guests that has been on the show many times, and is returning after a 15-month hiatus. Rich has penned innumerous articles about pipes and tobacco for several publications, and he is known for collecting quite large pipes. We’ll get caught up with Rich, and also get his take on some of the same questions we asked Steve Fallon on his recent episode. At the top of the show we’ll have a tour of the tobaccos that Brian is most coveting in his collection right now.

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Rich Esserman
Brian's Tobaccos
Some of Brian’s Favorite Tobaccos

The Pipes Magazine Radio Show features interviews with pipe makers, tobacco blenders, pipe and tobacco aficionados, collectors, and more. Episodes air every Tuesday.

Our show is sponsored by SmokingPipes.com, Cornell & Diehl, Missouri Meerschaum, Savinelli Pipes and Tobaccos, Peterson Pipes and TinBids. Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.

We hope you enjoy our 1-hour show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector.

More Pipes and Tobaccos Articles

2 Responses

  • I enjoyed the “treasured tin tour”.
    It was great to again listen to our friend Rich speak of pipes, tobacco, and the community. I totally agree with his sense of loss for the pipe world that only we “codgers” experienced, and with his optimism for the future of our special community.
    Amble’s “Mariner Boy” was wonderful! To Adam “Jethro” Floyd, a big thumbs up from me! (Beats the hell out of “Barroom Hero”)
    Thanks for another always entertaining show. See you in Chicago.

  • I enjoyed the review of your cherished tins. We all have certain tins we covet over all others. I wish I had been as clever as you to
    store a bunch of my favorites, but alas it was not to be. I belong to the crowd that believes tobaccos are to be smoked not stored away.
    Rich is another of your guests that is very enjoyable to listen to. His insights into collectors and tobaccos were really good. His overall optimism for the future of our hobby was nice to hear. Despite being one of the elder statesmen of the hobby he hasn’t become near as crusty as most of us have.
    I enjoyed the music selection though I doubt I could listen to a bunch as one sitting. Kudos to Adam Floyd for recommending it and to you for selecting it.
    Southerners have their own unique ways of driving and dealing with the rather goofy ways they name things.
