Cornell & Diehl #412A Billy Budd – Pipe Tobacco Reviews


By Bob Tate




The pouch aroma of this blend is a nice smoky, sweet Latakia. The moisture level is perfect for smoking right out of the bag. This blend is a coarse cut and is quite chunky. I left it in its original state and did not rub it out into smaller pieces. I loaded the pipe using a two step method and proceeded to the charring light. Upon the charring light I was greeted by the taste and aroma of a nice smoky, sweet Latakia mixture. I finished lighting the pipe and settled in for the smoke.

There isn’t a whole lot to say about this blend except for it’s a straight up Latakia blend. From the start all I tasted was Latakia. The Latakia overpowered the Virginia, Burley, and Cigar Leaf for most of the smoke which disappointed me a little because I like to taste the other tobaccos in a blend. It has high quality tobacco, smoked cool and dry, and didn’t bite at all. Every once in awhile, I do like to smoke a heavy Latakia blend and this would fit the bill on those occasions. Don’t get me wrong, Billy Budd does have a good flavor and a nice finish to it.

I will definitely revisit this blend and maybe after a few more bowls; I will detect some of the other tastes. I probably wouldn’t smoke it too often, but if you are a Latakia junkie this will be right up your alley and I Recommend giving it a try.


Brand: Cornell & Diehl
Blend: #412A Billy Budd
Description: A heavy Latakia blend with rough cut Burley, bright Virginia flake and a good amount of rough cut cigar leaf. Created for our late friend Sailorman Jack.
Country: US
Cure: Air Cured
Cut: Coarse Cut
Tobaccos: Latakia, Virginia, Burley, Cigar Leaf
Strength: Medium-Full
Taste: Smoky, Slightly Sweet
Room Note: Tolerable to Unpleasant


Cornell & Diehl #412 Billy Budd – Click Here to Order Now!

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