Hearth & Home Ten to Midnight – Pipe Tobacco Reviews


By Bob Tate


The pouch aroma of this blend is a smoky and semi-sweet smell with a hint of a tang to it. It smells quite nice. The moisture content is perfect for smoking right away without any drying time needed. This tobacco comes in a crumble cake form and you can break off pieces and rub them out fairly easily with your hands. I broke off a chunk and rubbed it out. This tobacco, when rubbed out, stays kind of chunky. It is almost like a cubed cut form. I loaded up my pipe and proceeded to the charring light.

On the charring light, I was greeted by a nice smoky aroma. In the flavor of the charring light, I picked up on a smoky, sweet flavor that was accompanied by woody and earthy tones with a light hint of citrus. I finished lighting my pipe and settled in for the smoke.

Once the tobacco was fully lit, the wood and earth tones faded far into the background. They were still detectable, but they were just lurking around giving very subtle hints. There is a very nice smoky, sweet flavor going on and the citrus flavor has become more pronounced. Around the half bowl point, I have noticed that I no longer taste any hints of the woody flavor that I was picking up on at the charring light and the beginning of the bowl. I am still picking up on the earthiness. The citrus flavor is still going strong as well as the smoky sweetness. This flavor profile lasted through to the end of the bowl.

This is a very tasty blend and I like it a lot. It smokes cool, dry, didn’t bite, and has a very pleasant finish to it. The complexity of this blend is a little hard to describe. I would say that it is complex because of the different flavor nuances, but the flavor did not change with the progression of the bowl. All of the different flavors were present from start to finish and they were intermingling with each other making for an interesting smoke. If you like Latakia/Oriental blends, I think that you will enjoy Ten to Midnight.
I Highly Recommend it.

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Brand: Hearth & Home (Pipesandcigars.com)
Blend: Ten to Midnight
Description: A dark, full Balkan-style tobacco containing bright and matured Carolina and Virginias, a healthy mixture of Turkish, and plenty of flavorful, fragrant Latakia. A superb late-evening smoke that can stand up to a sturdy single-malt scotch, small-batch bourbon or hearty port.
Country: US
Cut: Crumble Cake
Tobaccos: Carolina, Virginia, Turkish, Latakia,
Strength: Medium
Taste: Smoky, Sweet, Citrus, Earthy, Woody
Room Note: Tolerable to Strong


Hearth & Home Ten to Midnight – Click Here to Order Now!
Hearth & Home Ten to Midnight – Click Here to Order Now!


Read more reviews of Hearth & Home Ten to Midnight at LuxuryTobaccoReviews.com


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