The Pipes Magazine Radio Show – Episode 291

Kevin Godbee
Thank you for joining us for The Pipes Magazine Radio Show—the only radio talk show for pipe smokers and collectors. We broadcast weekly, every Tuesday at 8 pm eastern USA time and are available on nearly all podcast sites and apps. Listen on your computer, tablet, phone and even in the car! Our featured interview tonight is with Eric Hollenbeck. Eric is a pipe smoker and Vietnam Veteran that just last December, finally received his Bronze Stars. He is also the owner of Blue Ox Millworks in Eureka, CA. Blue Ox encompasses a world-renowned full-production Victorian millworks shop, smithy, foundry, apothecary, print shop, ceramics, stained glass and fabrics studio, working history museum, radio station, nonprofit organization, high school for at-risk teens and a program for war veterans. In Pipe Parts, Brian will talk about pipe shop traditions of the past. Sit back, relax with your pipe, and enjoy The Pipes Magazine Radio Show!

Tonight’s show is sponsored by, Cornell & Diehl, and Savinelli Pipes and Tobaccos. Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.

We hope you enjoy our 1-hour show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector. The following link will launch a pop-up player. Alternatively, you can download the show in iTunes and other podcast sites and apps after the initial broadcast is complete here.

Click Here to Play the Show

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Viviana & Eric Hollenbeck, Owners of Blue Ox Millworks
Photo by Amy Barnes
North Coast Journal story, “In the Interest of Justice” by Amy Barnes
Blue Ox Millworks

More Pipes and Tobaccos Articles

5 Responses

  • Great interview Brian! When you mentioned on Facebook that Eric’s story was a fascinating one, that was an understatement! The pipe that has the shrapnel in it would be a sight to see. It’s great to hear he was able to overcome that horrible experience and help at risk youth. What an upstanding guy! Pleasant smokes

  • Yeah, this show was really terrific. When you have a terrific person for an interview subject you don’t have to pry into details of his pipe collection. I was really pleased to hear the Army did the right thing by awarding him his medals. Up until the Gulf War we didn’t respect veterans very much, but it is great to see it now. I was drafted in 1966 but was sent to Germany for two years instead of Viet Nam. I have nothing but respect for the guys who did go.

  • This was a powerful, inspiring and ultimately satisfying conversation with Eric. I have nothing but deep respect for Eric’s service to our country, and his continued efforts and contributions to his community, despite the “baggage” he carries.
    And, like Dan, I’m glad the Army has finally done right by him.
    I also enjoyed your “visit” to pipe shops of yore. I spent many an hour and much legal tender in those kinds of shops. I remember the first time the buffing wheel ate my pipe, at Iwan Reis; the sound of my “Aged Algerian Briar” pipe being torn from my hands and slamming against the metal hood scarred the crap out of me.
    Great show, thanks.

  • LOVE this interview with Eric!!!
    I have very deep respect for him.
    Hope you can share more interviews
    with him in the future.
    Also, please consider having a regular
    section of your show dedicated to pipe
    history and pipe tobacco history! Enjoyed
    your discussion of stores of the past.
    I know many people probably enjoy the
    music on the show, but I would much prefer
    pipe and tobacco stories of the past…..
    much like Alan Schwartz’s tales!
    Lastly, do you know of any “definitive” source
    or book that details the history of pipe tobacco,
    including histories of each tobacco company,
    brands, blends, artwork, advertising, etc.?
    Best Regards,