I've always admired men who have a tightly regimented morning routine. Men who make their bed, shave, brush their teeth, and properly prepare for the day.
I am not one of them.
I recognize the value of having a structured routine and I certainly recognize the value of properly preparing to meet the day as well as everything else that goes with it.
Discipline of mind and body are virtues. Damn it, Jim, I'm a doctor, not role model. I flop out of bed, my wife hands me my coffee, I go outside with my pipe and paper and waste a few hours.
But I want to do better.
Let's begin with morning routines - who out there practices and has a structured morning routine and how does it improve your day?
I am not one of them.
I recognize the value of having a structured routine and I certainly recognize the value of properly preparing to meet the day as well as everything else that goes with it.
Discipline of mind and body are virtues. Damn it, Jim, I'm a doctor, not role model. I flop out of bed, my wife hands me my coffee, I go outside with my pipe and paper and waste a few hours.
But I want to do better.
Let's begin with morning routines - who out there practices and has a structured morning routine and how does it improve your day?