Was McClellands the best Oriental blender? Most of the Grand Orientals seemed pretty VA-forwards to me, and at least a couple seemed topped with weird flavoring. Some are good smokes, but I didn't feel that many of them really highlighted or expressed what the Oris taste like. I also think that the McC VA casing worked against the Ori flavors for the most part. I would have tried some green labels, but didn't want to go through the same thing again. Peretti and C&D seem to do a better job of highlighting the Oris. People have mentioned Tashkent, Ori#40, and Royal, and C&D Star of the East Gold is another one to try. I think it's mainly because their VAs are not as robust as the McC stuff was. The C&D stuff that I have tried seems lightest on, or perhaps devoid of casing beyond some water, which also helps. I still flip back and forth as to whether or not Peretti Ori#40 has some sort of light topping on it, but it still consider it Ori-forwards, and I enjoy smoking it because of that. I've had the best luck with straight, sometimes whole-leaf, Oris and initially smoking them straight, and then adding them to taste to blander blends. A member sent me two or three home-grown varieties, which I am really looking forwards to trying. Through doing all of this I have begun to get a really good idea as to what Oris I like and which I don't. Although many blends don't really tell me what exactly is in there, I can compare back to what I know from the straight stuff and make some educated guesses, but at that point it just comes down to if I like it or not, and guessing what might be in a blend is just a fun game for me if they don't specify. :puffpipe: