Don, I have some down time and wanted to noodle around on this post a bit. It's a good excuse to procrastinate!
I love Ashdigger's comment above^^^. Most "Danish" shapes are just "Danish", hard to define, but you know it when you see it.
Your pipe is a classic Danish shape, NOS (Not Otherwise Specified). There are many variations based on the general "classic" Sixten Ivarsson Pewit shape. Over time the Pewit led to the acorn, egg, pear, potato sack, etc. Some of it is based on what the carver calls it, others on an interpretation. Personally, I see a lot of estate Danish pipes like the one you posted called a "slightly bent Dublin", NOS. I would favor the later in your case. Great pipe! It's a classic estate Danish specimen to enjoy.
The Classic Ivarsson Pewit shaping [named from the marketing, "as big as a pewit egg"]
Variations and modern siblings:
Mortensen, bent Dublin (DPS)
Stokkebye Pear (SPC)
Stanwell Featherweight (SPC)
Stanwell bent egg (DPS)
Lasse Skovgaard Sandblasted Acorn (SPC)
Stanwell pear (SPC)
Tom Eltang Acorn (SPC)