There is one Virginia strain that permeates what most of us think of as a Virginia tobacco, and that is Virginia Gold all from the same seed stock. This one is the most prevalent because of it's use in the cigarette industry, and seed stock is cheap and readily available. However, the category of Virginia is actually a derivative of Orinocos, a naturally aromatic plant. These range from very perfumy to rank in flavors. And, some very pungent Orientals comes from these varieties. The African, darker, or a few other various strains are all in the same family, but have deeper nicotine content and flavor. A Virginia smoker is usually one who explores these various strains. But, with the industry culling it down to just Virginia Gold seed stock... we pretty much just know one plant nowadays.
The varieties used in RY is of the darker strains. However, I am letting my curiosity guide me through trying other Orinocos and the darker strains in the garden. There has to be more to life than just Virginia Gold. :wink: