I'm sure this question has been asked numerous times, just wondering. I don't drink alcohol, gave it up twenty two years ago, had a problem, if know what I mean.
While I enjoy drinking Scotch with my pipe, on work nights I enjoy iced tea while smoking. I find darjeeling, Earl Grey and oolong to be particularly good.
Lately I have discovered the joy of drinking black Earl Grey tea with a pipe, both in the morning and in the late evening... it pairs amazingly, especially with virginias.
But of an evening look forward to one or two beers to go along with the baccy of the moment. Always something on the dark side, a stout or a porter.
Of course just now I'm drinking a cold 7-Up with a bowl of G&H Dark Flake Scented. It works!
Coffee. Flavored Hazelnut coffee seems to complement burley really well. I like coffee and chicory with my Penzance. And I have had French Vanilla with my 1Q, lol. Can't go wrong with coffee flavored coffee either.
I do drink beer, but I found that if I buy expensive beer, I won't buy a lot of it, lol.
I mostly drink Coffee or Tea. I don't really like how it tastes with carbonated drinks while I smoke. I sometimes drink whiskey, but I like the way coffee compliments the tobacco.
If the sun i s up its usually coffee and water. in the pm its earl grey in a hot cup . but i did have this nice black doris plum port and that was tasty with a pipe
P.S i am sorry if its unreadable i broke my glasses this morning :x so this seeing business is getting to me.
Esspreso coffee in the morning,tea during the day tea usualy Lapsang or Chai black,In the evening Appleton Estate Jamaica rum.Hey seanz pretty good typing for busted specs. ::
Pipedisciple, you'll notice that beverages with a high acidity complement pipe tobacco (coffee, tea, colas) and will help balance out the alkalinity of the smoke.
I am actually surprised that none of you drink your coffee with a good shot of Irish cream, there is nothing better than a late afternoon cup of good coffee with irish cream in it. Thats the only way to enjoy that fine afternoon cup and a good pipe...try and you will like it, try it, try it, Sam I am (sorry lost it there).
In the evening a good glass of Yuengling Black and Tan will work too..
Usually Baileys or Red Stag if it's an evening smoke. Otherwise I'll usually just have some water or one of those Sobe Lifewaters. As an aromatic smoker I've found there's a number of Sobe Lifewaters that pair up well with certain aromatic blends.