After a wonderful dinner of grilled pork chops and scalloped potatoes with ham, I’m smoking some SG 1792 Flake in a IMP meer. Last time I smoked 1792 before I bed, I had crazy dreams. We’ll see if it becomes a trend.
Relaxing after a wonderful salad, snapper and green beans dinner with strawberries and freshly cut pineapple for dessert. I'm in the middle of smoking year 1983 Condor Long Cut in a smooth straight 1870s Au Pacha meerschaum canted cutty with a sterling silver band and amber orific stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink.
Spent the day pouring beer in a parking lot smoking my cob and finshing off my jar of Yorktown. Looks like I have a future tobacco order on the horizon!
Almost finished smoking D&R Penhooker in a straight smooth light brown circa post-1932-40s Linkman’s Dr. Grabow billiard with a square shank and tapered black vulcanite stem.
UncleRasta, sorry I missed wishing you "on-time" birthday greetings, but please accept my belated hopes that you had a glorious birthday celebration.
And remember, you're not getting older, you're ageing, like a fine McClelland Red Virginia.