Went looking for a old dresser to fiddle with and came across this GBD New Standard 508 for $25. Couldn't find an excuse to pass it up since its in fairly good condition. Bought a dresser too. So what's the verdict? Good deal or no?
The dresser will only fit an eighth of Pecks supply (roughly) but it's a forties dresser, maybe earlier. Has those damn wheels on the bottom. I'm gonna sand it down and stain it.
As for GBD's go do they resell cleaned up good? Thinking of turning this one.
I wouldn't have passed it up at that price. If you clean it up and polish it, I think you would double your money without trying, triple it with a little more effort, and might do better. However, once you make it handsome, you might cave and keep it.
After you clean it, be sure and smoke that New Standard before you try the flip. My GBD NS burners, from the mid 70's, are prized sentimental pigs in my pen.
On the other hand, your Pedigree pipe sock will probably fetch as much as the pipe alone.
Check out this link, bub:
GBD, alongside DH, Charatan, Comoy's, Barling and Sasieni helped set the standard for British pipemakers. Their designs are classic.
I'm afraid I must vote "not a good deal", but only because everyone has voted "good deal" thus far. Unless someone votes bad deal, good deal will have no meaning
MSO: You are correct that I may cave and keep it for a few delicious bowls or more! Though I do suffer from PAD, the cure would be to sell it to someone. I also suffer from TAD as well, which is a horrible affliction. A simple cure has not been made yet.
Fnord: thank you very much for the link and insight on the age of the pipe. I really do appreciate the older pipes and I'm always excited to see when they're made and how rare they are. Honestly the only reason I picked up the pipe was in hopes of Mr. Pease trading it for a tin of Gaslight or Maltese Falcon! :D
Nate: your humor is always appreciated. So if it's a bad deal is it one of those "disposable" pipes like those Dunhills?
Fitzy: add shipping fee's and a bag of 'zance and you may have a deal when I finish it up :mrgreen:
I have two of that style in my collection. Beware, once you smoke it you won't want to part with it. Pre-Codogan GBDs are, as a rule, great smokers. They were considered "premium" pipes. Post-merger (1981) pipes for both Comoy and GBD were not the same quality.
Finished fixen her up. Cut the cake. Sanded the bowl. Did an isopropyl anti ghosting treatment. Sand the stem and gave it an oiling. Gotta wait till Friday to smoke it now.
That fact that it still has it's brass rondelle is amazing. This things tend to fall of. I have a bunch of GBD's that have lost the rondelles over the years. I say it's a keeper.