npod, excellent suggestion on including the snapshot of pipe smoking with buddies. You have to take into account the rules and procedures, but also keep in mind the human factor, the young zealot or old grouch, who wants to make something out of nothing. A generic tobacco pouch (like maybe in plaid) might be good, or better yet a commercial labeled pouch tobacco, so it is clear and obvious what it is. Some young people may not actually know how tobacco smells, whereas one sniff by someone else would identify and clear a package. Anything you can do to dramatize the legality of your tobacco will help. npod's suggestion is kind of brilliant. Help the frazzled TSA people figure out the obvious. Yes, and no glass. Any tins should be originals with commercial labels. I'd take only opened ones, since they might ask you to open them anyway. What a life. Between the airlines and the TSA, any joy or pleasure left in travel is ... a mistake.