I had about 170 lbs in the cellar, now gone, thanks to you.
If you dare to confess publicly, how much in your cellar?
If you dare to confess publicly, how much in your cellar?
DittoEstimated 5# all up in various configurations
Or , about 10 years supply at current rate
The best laid plans are one thing, TAD another.I don't plan on adding any more, although it might be tin out/ tin in for a while.
I think sable is on to something here. The best cellar are large to very large, hidden in the dark somewhere down under and of indeterminent size, and that last qualifier is the most important. If you stop calculating the size of your cellar, you can always-rather, should always-keep growing it. Quite simply, the word is "more."You know? I don't know. Somewhere north of 100 lbs, quite a lot more than I need.