Interesting! What is that tube thing hanging out of the broken off tenon? It looks like some sort of filter tube or maybe a past repair?
That’s what I was hoping to find out being my first pipe. Bought it restored, and while not particularly expensive, still a bit disappointing.
Yeh, I t looks like someone repaired the broken tenon, which is way harder than just having a new one made. That point in the pipe needs the strength of a perfect tenon fit to prevent what has happened from happening. I would ask the boys here for their favorite repairman. I don't think that having a new tenon made is terribly expensive, but once it's fixed you can use the pipe with more confidence. And, some of these repair guys can even get the logo on the new stem for you.
I'm sorry this has happened. My gut sinks every time I snap a tenon. It's a sickening feeling.
Older Comoy’s have a metal tube in the tenon
I didn't know this. I wonder why.Older Comoy’s have a metal tube in the tenon
got bent in your pocket and snapped. old vulcanite is notoriously brittle.Wonder how the tenon broke away from the tube.
I didn't know this. I wonder why.
Wow, it's weird seeing the same names that are well known here on another forum. Ha ha!Engineering Enhancements of Early High Grade Comoy's Pipes [Archive] - Pipe Smoker Unlimited Forums
An exchange with dmcmtk, in which he shared a link to an old thread he started*, got me thinking about the little known engineering enhancements of Comoy's (relatively) early high grade production. Specifically, Comoy's reinforced tenons and shanks with metal. The first photos are
For the price of the repair, it might be better to grab a band new one. It also depends, of course, on value of the broken one (collectibility, history, &c.) and/or sentimental attachment.