Sorry, I gotta! You knew I would.
We, "our society", is not any different than various societies throughout history. Whether it was the Romans at the Colosseum, revelers in the Indian Terr. attending Sunday hangings with the kids in tow, Incas raptly watching their priest tearing the heart out of a living person, Washington social elites attending First Manassas with a picnic lunch, the peculiar love the French have for Guillotin's invention, people throughout history love watching the blood of others being shed, righteously of course. Entertainment at its best for many! This is why States have no trouble finding witnesses for their executions. And no one, not parents, sociologists, "shrinks", Popes, nor politicians can change human nature. It's not insane, it's human nature. Human nature at it's basest perhaps but, normal behavior none the less.