We were fortunate that the big storm, an ice storm in these parts, hit at a relatively opportune time. My wife had had orthopedic surgery and then went to assisted care to heal and get p.t. and o.t. and more continual care than I could give her at home. Luckily, she'd moved from the hospital to assisted care before the biggie hit. I'm moving her home tomorrow, and today I moved much of her clothing, gear, books and a wheelchair back home, just in time that the ice had melted enough so I could get the car up the driveway on some dry pavement, just barely. Going down, the car side-slid a little. If it stays above freezing, tomorrow should be passable, although rain is expected. When we scheduled the surgery for November -- later to be rescheduled in January -- I said, just don't get us into the ice season. Right. But I'm not complaining. Somehow it worked.