I have a stanwell featherweight that I noticed the symbol on the mouthpiece seemed to be painted on. So curiosity got the best of me and I ended up scraping it off completely. Is this normal?
Not normal, most of us don't scrape off the stem logos.
Lmao, I wasn't expecting that response...
Maybe I need to start being more specific...
As in, I thought it would have been engraved into the stem! Not painted on...
I don't think I've ever come across a pipe with a painted on symbol. Everyone I've seen is at least stamped and then filled with white or some other color. Maybe it wasn't stamped correctly and it only got painted. Sorry I can't think of anything else to add here...
A lot of the factory-made pipes will just have decals on the stems, the cheaper factory-mades anyways. My Savinellis all lost their logos the first time I buffed them.
I think on the Crowns they are just not deeply stamped. I has several that had become very faint (estates), but it appeared to me that they had been stamped originally. The logo just was not as deep as others generally are. Maybe they were just thick paint that had worn.