Got my flyer in the mail earlier this week, and already reserved my tables.
Fellas, pound for pound this is one of the best shows around.
Some observations:
-It sells out of vender tables every year.
-It is very well attended. By 10 or 11 a.m., you won't be able to walk around without bumping into a lot of people. I would say around 500 attended last year. Maybe more.
-YOU CAN SMOKE ON THE SHOW FLOOR. This is one of my favorite things, especially with all of the tobacco blending samples you'll get for free.
-It's less of a trade show among vendors and high end collectors (hello Chicago?) and more of an event for pipe enthusiasts who just really love the hobby. You can find the movers and the shakers, but you can also find guys like me. A good mix of carvers, tobacco blenders, estate pipe guys (holla!), retail shops, e-tail shops, people with interesting hats, and kilts.
I encourage ANYONE who can possibly make it to do so. It gets better every year.