Spamming A-Holes

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Egg Shen

Nov 26, 2021
I don’t know this subject but suspect in this case the motivation is money not malice.
Perhaps. All the thread titles were along the lines of “Who can help me with taxco tax software?” , or some uninspired boring thing that nobody’s going to click on. A lot of these spamming attempts are just so half-assed, they should be embarrassed at their lack of effort.


Feb 6, 2019
Richmond Virginia
The degenerative nature of computer scammers is almost unbearable especially when they spill their deviancy into our world. They out number us unfortunately. They lack the morals found here in abundance. All we can do is guard ourselves against them through education. Thanks to the moderators for keeping this place garbage free.


Mar 7, 2013
The people who track such things know EXACTLY the location of the data-center-sized "spam companies" around the world. As in, what buildings, and what rooms and floors OF the buildings.

And we now have cruise missiles that are targetable within two meters. They fly under radar---literally. And they can be launched from international waters, so getting within range is no biggie.

Once to show you've had enough, then a second strike to make clear you can do it all day, every day... and an extended period of World Spamless-ness would begin. Everyone, everywhere, would be smiling (except the A-holes, of course.)