SP Doesn't Do Extra Pictures Anymore?

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Years ago, I was at The Briary on a Saturday morning when they opened. Skip was complaining about having to get a box of new pipes loaded online. I told him that not including the bowl dimensions was a major reason I wouldn't use his website to buy one. He tossed me calipers and a small scale to weigh them and told me to go at it. Man, measuring, taking pictures, and entering all of that data sucks. Plus, he didn't even use the bowl sizes that I had measured for him, ha ha.

That all said, I am not sure why I would need extra pictures of a pipe before I bought it. Smokingpipes already gives me what I need to know most before I buy a pipe, and that is bowl dimensions. That pus a side shot is all I would need.

What exactly is one looking for in extra pictures? I'm just curious. Looking for fills?
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Sep 30, 2014
So. Cal.

cosmicfolklore Said:​

That all said, I am not sure why I would need extra pictures of a pipe before I bought it.

I'm the weird guy who likes to buy inexpensive Savinelli Oceano's and or Peterson Dracula's with the variegated blue or red stems that a lot of peeps here dislike. I get bored with black and prefer colorful acrylic as they don't turn green and I don't have to put chapstick on the stem after smoking to prevent them from turning green/ brown. I can't be bothered.

Must I be persecuted for the fact that I like the more inexpensive Sav's and want to see both sides of the unique variegated stem before I buy it? Usually I smoke them more than once before throwing them into one of my 5 eight foot high mansion fireplaces and then get into my Lamborghini to go meet a client for a meeting, so, unlike a cigar, I may have the pipe for a few days or weeks (at most) before I get tired of it and toss it into a fireplace while laughing like a James Bond movie villain after smoking.

Insert stupid teenage girl emoji sarcasm picture thing here.
I'm the weird guy who likes to buy inexpensive Savinelli Oceano's and or Peterson Dracula's with the variegated blue or red stems that a lot of peeps here dislike. I get bored with black and prefer colorful acrylic as they don't turn green and I don't have to put chapstick on the stem after smoking to prevent them from turning green/ brown. I can't be bothered.

Must I be persecuted for the fact that I like the more inexpensive Sav's and want to see both sides of the unique variegated stem before I buy it? Usually I smoke them more than once before throwing them into one of my 5 eight foot high mansion fireplaces and then get into my Lamborghini to go meet a client for a meeting, so, unlike a cigar, I may have the pipe for a few days or weeks (at most) before I get tired of it and toss it into a fireplace while laughing like a James Bond movie villain after smoking.

Insert stupid teenage girl emoji sarcasm picture thing here.
I just toss them out the window of my truck when I'm done, but usually they're Dunhills. puffy

So, you want them to take time to take extra picture for you of their cheapest used pipes? Gotcha. I'm not persecuting anyone. I was just curious. Carry on.


Aug 4, 2021
Hey guys, I'd like to shed some light on why our Customer Service team handles these requests the way we do. As some comments have correctly pointed out, there are a quite a few logistical realities that shape our approach to these sorts of requests. When dealing with as high a volume of pipes and other products as we do, there will always need to be a bit of a juggling act between providing the kind of service we pride ourselves on and keeping costs down so all of our products can remain as affordable as possible. In the case of extra pictures specifically, the biggest roadblaock is that, for the past couple of years, our Customer Service staff has not been in the same building (or even in the same zip code) as the warehouse where we keep our pipes. This is a challenge, and unfortunately it's just not feasible to get additional photos on request for customers.

The good news is that at some point in the not-too-distant future, we are expecting to have Customer Service and the pipes all housed in the same building again. Once this happens, we'll likely be able to begin accomodating these sorts of requests much more easily. We can't know exactly what that will look like until that transition happens, but it will surely make these kinds of services possible again.

In the meantime, our staff is more than happy to answer any questions about our pipes that you may have, and we offer a no-questions-asked return policy for any unsmoked pipe within 30 days of purchase. If you receive the pipe and there's something functionally wrong with it, we'll even cover the cost of return shipping.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Ah well, all good things.
end up getting ruined by idiots that exploit the good nature of others. My first thought was how many non serious buyers get their pipe dreaming fetish full filled by requesting pics.
Also it doesn't seem like they need to do that as the pipe is probably getting bought by someone and soon. I imagine that the pipes they will do more pics for are the kind of pipes that can sit in the warehouse for a long time waiting for the right person to buy them.


Can't Leave
Aug 3, 2017
Hey guys, I'd like to shed some light on why our Customer Service team handles these requests the way we do. As some comments have correctly pointed out, there are a quite a few logistical realities that shape our approach to these sorts of requests. When dealing with as high a volume of pipes and other products as we do, there will always need to be a bit of a juggling act between providing the kind of service we pride ourselves on and keeping costs down so all of our products can remain as affordable as possible. In the case of extra pictures specifically, the biggest roadblaock is that, for the past couple of years, our Customer Service staff has not been in the same building (or even in the same zip code) as the warehouse where we keep our pipes. This is a challenge, and unfortunately it's just not feasible to get additional photos on request for customers.

The good news is that at some point in the not-too-distant future, we are expecting to have Customer Service and the pipes all housed in the same building again. Once this happens, we'll likely be able to begin accomodating these sorts of requests much more easily. We can't know exactly what that will look like until that transition happens, but it will surely make these kinds of services possible again.

In the meantime, our staff is more than happy to answer any questions about our pipes that you may have, and we offer a no-questions-asked return policy for any unsmoked pipe within 30 days of purchase. If you receive the pipe and there's something functionally wrong with it, we'll even cover the cost of return shipping.
Hey Steve ... ya know ..... if Syke's is willing to move me from Canada to SC, I'd be more than willing to help fondle pipes all day ..... hahahahaha


Jan 7, 2020
PMF Recovery Center
Hey guys, I'd like to shed some light on why our Customer Service team handles these requests the way we do. As some comments have correctly pointed out, there are a quite a few logistical realities that shape our approach to these sorts of requests. When dealing with as high a volume of pipes and other products as we do, there will always need to be a bit of a juggling act between providing the kind of service we pride ourselves on and keeping costs down so all of our products can remain as affordable as possible. In the case of extra pictures specifically, the biggest roadblaock is that, for the past couple of years, our Customer Service staff has not been in the same building (or even in the same zip code) as the warehouse where we keep our pipes. This is a challenge, and unfortunately it's just not feasible to get additional photos on request for customers.

The good news is that at some point in the not-too-distant future, we are expecting to have Customer Service and the pipes all housed in the same building again. Once this happens, we'll likely be able to begin accomodating these sorts of requests much more easily. We can't know exactly what that will look like until that transition happens, but it will surely make these kinds of services possible again.

In the meantime, our staff is more than happy to answer any questions about our pipes that you may have, and we offer a no-questions-asked return policy for any unsmoked pipe within 30 days of purchase. If you receive the pipe and there's something functionally wrong with it, we'll even cover the cost of return shipping.
For the others like me who didn't know, Steve is the Customer Service Manager at SP:

While we've got you here Steve: Can you tell us how you measure the length of a bent pipe at SP? Is it like the top or the bottom photo?

Lastly, what's your favorite rap song of the 90s?




Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 17, 2021
Central Florida
Many of us—including me—feel gratitude and loyalty to smoking pipes because it supports these forums—and because it has a good selection and service. They also have some pretty fantastic articles on their blog.

Feeling this way, I believe it is all the more important to say: smoking pipes, your picture policy sucks.

Yes, it is work and money to post multiple pictures of all pipes. But take a look at the sites of other pipe sellers who support these forums: almost all of them offer multiple pics of even their most humble pipes. It is all but standard, and it should be. Most of us no longer have brick and mortar stores. The pics, measurements and descriptions are all we have.

Some have said that a smaller business can afford to take multiple pics of every pipe, but smoking pipes just handles too many pipes. I believe the opposite: because they are a major seller, they can and should have someone taking multiple pics. Other large sites do. In fact, oftentimes when I am looking at a new pipe at smoking pipes, I will go to a competitor because I know they will have better pictures. And, I must say, as much as I appreciate smoking pipes, I feel that I should buy from that seller because they have shown me up front, as best as they can, what the pipe looks like—no calls or emails or excuses about warehouse locations necessary
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 21, 2022
FWIW, last year I bought a $40 Rossi from them that arrived with a massive pit in the wall that didn't show up on the pictures. I contacted them immediately and they made it right very quickly. Ultimately it's up to them to decide what is worth their time and what isn't, but I don't question their commitment to helping an unsatisfied customer.


Dec 9, 2023
This inconsistent policy/messaging has been a huge frustration for me as someone new to the hobby and has resulted in a poor recent experience:

1) I took a chance and purchased a pipe from a brand that has been well documented among these forums and others to have poor QC issues and after receiving the pipe, found at the lip of the stem to be off centered and severely angle to the right when looking at it from the stem facing me.

2) While the customer service was prompt and fantastic in acknowledging that this was a defect and warranted a paid return shipping label, I was deeply disappointed that after they inspected the return, was informed while not preferable to some, that this defect was within their QC tolerances. I find this unacceptable for a "flagship" model and this experience has really turned me off from that particular brand.

3) Because of this experience, I requested additional pictures on an exchange model and was informed that they could not due to the cs reps and warehouse staff being located in different locations (understandable) and while they could not provide additional pictures, would have a member of their staff examine the exchange pipe and if no defects were found, would ship it out. The exchange pipe I received while not as severe in being off centered as the first, was still crooked.

While the CS reps have always been prompt, courteous, and committed to providing excellent customer service, the inconsistent messaging and disconnect between departments has left me frustrated and looking back now, seem to all stem from the poor QC of the brand in question and shame on me for ignoring the red flags.


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 17, 2023
Somerset Ohio
SP is great w/returns. Basically no questions asked if you haven’t smoked it.
I’m aware of that and I order from them often. There was another thread going about how many people return things now days. Buyer’s remorse was talked about. My point in that thread was that because we don’t have the luxury of walking into a store and seeing things with our own eyes and feeling them, it’s important that online retailers have good return policies. SP definitely has this and as long as it stays that way there isn’t a need for more pictures.

Ahi Ka

Feb 25, 2020
Aotearoa (New Zealand)
This should be standard for one particular company. They should call them Peterson Pick Boxes. You get twelve, pick the one out of the box that you think is the least messed up and send the rest back. puffy
Pick a Pete Box Pass. Hey, there’s some mileage in that. Sign up 12 guys, first guy chooses his pipe and then sends the remaining 11 to the next guy who gets a 10% discount and so on. The last guy gets a pipe for free