After my neighbour highly recommended I watch the Band Of Brothers 10 disc box set I read many Amazon reviews which were largely positive so I bought it. I also stumbled upon The Pacific 6 disc box set and that too was hugely popular in the reviws so bought that too. Both arrive next week.
He has also been banging on about watching Sons Of Anarchy on Netflix which I don't subscribe to so I looked it up on Amazon. Blimey, it's a 30 disc set! However the reviews are very mixed, some saying poor story lines and bad acting whereas others are the entire opposite leaving me puzzled. Also, some reviews claim it has been highly edited to cut out scenes of violence, sex etc.
So I turn to the film experts of Pipesmagazine to guide me. Is this massive DVD set worth buying or no?
BTW I did find the Boardwalk Empire, Deadwood and Breaking Bad box sets to be hugely entertaining after recommendations from this forum ?
He has also been banging on about watching Sons Of Anarchy on Netflix which I don't subscribe to so I looked it up on Amazon. Blimey, it's a 30 disc set! However the reviews are very mixed, some saying poor story lines and bad acting whereas others are the entire opposite leaving me puzzled. Also, some reviews claim it has been highly edited to cut out scenes of violence, sex etc.
So I turn to the film experts of Pipesmagazine to guide me. Is this massive DVD set worth buying or no?
BTW I did find the Boardwalk Empire, Deadwood and Breaking Bad box sets to be hugely entertaining after recommendations from this forum ?