Waiting for my Carolina wrens to (maybe) nest around the house. Last year, they took up their household in a watering can on the car port. They are fearless and leave no doubt as to whose real estate this is. They look me over and often don't even comment. They'd just as soon land on my nose, not the least impressed. They seem sure they are at least my size. They have round little bodies and notably long narrow beaks. We have nice crows, and Eastern cardinals, and used to have a nice brown thrasher couple, towees, visiting mocking birds, and more. My wife used to have Baltimore Orioles big time on Long Island and always supplied them with bags of oranges, halved and nailed to trees. One year here (N.C.) had a huge female hawk, red tail I think; the females are larger than the males (Tercels), feeding on chipmunks. For a short time, we had a fine hoot owl with great hooting after dark. Audubon famously painted a flock of Carolina Parakeets I have framed, that are now completely extinct; there have been discussions about trying to revive the species genetically. Little flying feathered dinosaurs all. One of the important sites in London are the ravens at the Tower of London, tended with great care by the Yeoman guards, birds named and spoiled on a daily basis.