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Welcome to the forum from the pacific northwest and welcome to the joys of the pipe from a relatively seasoned student of the leaf. 20 years with pipeweed and still fascinated. It is, after all, a type of education, which anyone who has dabbled in higher learning knows never ends!

Also, i dig the Alice Cooper reference. ;)

Enjoy the journey...
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May 6, 2011
Olathe, Kansas
Welcome, William, to the forum from KC!! You might want to try some blends from one of the on-line retailers. Remember not to pack your pipe so tightly and to smoke it slowly.
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May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Welcome, William of the Red!

put your location in your Profile, as people are forgetful.
Why: It will save time for others as to where you live when you mention local stores, weather, tobacco prices, availability, regulations, location of photos, wildfires, air quality, etc. In many instances that saves time for those who read your posts, and for you in not having to reply to inquiries. .
Under your avatar, (top right, left most of three symbols) you choose "Account Details", which brings up "My Account". "My Location" is halfway down. Whatever you're comfortable with- town, city, county, state. province, etc.

Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
There are many practical trades that pay more than what some college graduates make.
Absolutely, a Masters in Architecture has really gotten me nowhere. Being an efficiency analyst/trouble shooter has gotten me much more income. I'm now the guy that writes the work orders for engineers. I got that job due to the company CEO watching me solving Rubiks type puzzles.

I will attempt to end this novelette with a joke; actually, this is legitimately my entire pipe+tobacco holdings but some of you will probably find it to be quite humorous:
Looks fine to me, welcome aboard!


Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
Welcome from the Birthplace of Texas.
As a native born Texan (born in Port Arthur, TX - in 1953 and also the birthplace of Janis Joplin and Jimmy Johnson), I have to ask, "Which Birthplace of Texas are you in?"
I know of three locations that claim that distinction: Washington on the Brazos, Deerpark (which didn't exist back then but is the site of the battle at Buffalo Bayou, or Brenham (actually the county where Washington on the Brazos is located.)


Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
Welcome, whoever you really are.
??? Did I miss something?

I am William and yesterday marked the end of my second year attending University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering.
I have no doubt that you are more than impressed and that your fingers are already itching to type heaps of praise upon me, congratulations abound. Some of you are probably thinking "He is going places." and "This is prime son-in-law material."
I should have said this earlier.

Hang around the forum and participate and good pipe smoking things will happen to you. There truly is a "Brotherhood of the leaf" and forum members do like to take care of one other.


Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
I live in Columbia Lakes, which is between Varner-Hogg Plantation and the Brazos River. We lay claim to so many titles (Birthplace of Texas, Where Texas Began, Cradle of Texas and First Capital of The Republic of Texas) that they all must be true.
I know that area. Had a party or two up that way during the summer of 1970 when I was in high school
I have nieces and nephews that go up there every summer for tubing.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 3, 2024
Chambersburg PA
Hello and welcome! We all start somewhere! I just started about a month ago. Only have 2 pipes a few tins and a bunch of one ounce samples that I am currently working through to find out what I like to smoke. So don’t worry you’ll get there soon enough!
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William F.

May 4, 2024
Lone Star State
Welcome from SE Louisiana.

"The only place that I am going, is right back from whence I came. Nowhere."

I read depression and defeat in your words.
That makes me sad and worried.
We all came from somewhere and life is a journey to our next destination.
I don't know why you are not returning to college but be aware not returning to college may not be that bad of a thing. There are many practical trades that pay more than what some college graduates make. Life should be what you make of it, not what others tell you it should be.

One more platitude...
I can honestly say that I have found that when one opportunity ends, there are other opportunities that are waiting for you to take the first step. In simple language - When one door closes, another opens.
You read me like a book. I should not have allowed that to come out in the open for others to see.
Thank you for the kind words, I do appreciate them.
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