well.. unpalatable may be an overstatement, but I enjoy amending/combining some blends to improve (to my taste) some blends I have, and love it when it works.
Most recent effort was to save an english, Peretti Crown, which was just too too dry for me (it is famous for being extra dry, apparently). Another sample I had gathered was C&D Mocha. Delightful jar note, but didn't really grab me when burning, which it did well, though on the very moist side. Serendipitous thought struck and 50/50 combination worked: English Mocha! For me, just what the crown needed. Will be easy to smoke that up together. Now wondering how that will compare to the Two Friends English Chocolate. Also thinking will try the Crown with Peretti's Ebony, another black cavendish with chocolate and other flavors (have a sample in a jar, not tried yet). Fun stuff for me.
I know a few others dabble along these lines. Have you had successes?

I know a few others dabble along these lines. Have you had successes?