Some of us older pipe smokers - myself included - find ourselves drifting away from English blends, finding greater enjoyment with the Virginia species. Recently, I sampled six Virginias and Virginia blends. Now, I'm not the kind of reviewer who reports tasting blackberries, green watermelons and compost so I'll just tell you what I liked and what I didn't. I wan't crazy about C&D's Opening night or Poplar Camp but I thought their Folklore (5 Virginia's, Perique, Kentucky, and Kasturi) was delicioous. I had two "favorites": Peterson's Deluxe Navy Rolls and the now-impossible-to-find Fribourg & Treyer's Cut Virginia Plug. Orlik's Golden Sliced took a little getting used to. Reminded me a little of McClelland's Organiclly Grown Flake. After a few smokes, I came to like it a lot. OK. That's my two cents worth. Thanks for listening.