I like your answer, but I think that while some are tradition oriented with their pipes, many more are not, at least in the crowd in which I hang. If I wallowed in my ancestor's traditions of what to smoke, I would most likely smoke the mentioned codger blends or highly aromatic apple and cherry stuff my uncles preferred.
Ultimately, I am curious about tradition, even as far back as what people smoked before all of us white folks showed up. But, as for what I actually put in my pipe, I think that tastes have evolved, IMO. At least mine have.
That said, I think that for a blender, it is like playing an instrument. I had a friend who could grab any stringed instrument and make fantastic music without ever having to be showed how to play it. He now works in the recording industry making these horrible guitarists sound much better than they really do. But that aside, he felt like he couldn't play the instruments, because he couldn't play a song that someone else had written, even though he could play some things that would blow your mind.
I wonder if this is akin to a blender's mentality. "If I can make something that blows people's minds, but I don't ever worry with making something that tastes like Penzance or Sobranie, then am I real blender?" "Am I making music?" Or, is it when a blender just copies a blend (or the idea of a blend) already existing, they are just a cover band? (cover blender)
How many more latakia centered blends do we need? How many more VaPers? I am a fan of the Virginia/VaPer genre, but I am so sick of finding a new blend, only to find it something only a step or two away from Escudo (which I love, but...) I also like Ernest Tubb, but I don't want all of the bands in my music collection to sound a step or two away from Tubb's style of playing. Some Bela Fleck and some jazz banjo is nice every now and then. And, if I am going to get excited about someone covering an Ernest Tubb song, it would be nice if they did it in their own way, maybe some guitar distortion, Hendrix playing Tudd, or a piano waltz version of Hoky tonkin'. SOMETHING more creative than to copy.
All I am asking for is creativity. Tantalize me in ways that don;t make me go, jeesh, another freaking lakeland, or another smokey latakia, or another Dokken cover band, jeesh.
As much as I love and admire our resident blenders that participate in this forum, I throw down the gauntlet. Ha ha, like that means anything. At least keep creativity and originality in mind.
And, and, and, I do realize that some are being very creative, aromatics with latakia, flavored VaPers, oriental blends, etc... Even though I don;t like the new GLP Virginia Cream, I do recognize that it is original... Eh, anyways, I may have just written myself into a circle, ha ha.