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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 13, 2011
If you happen to have a moment, I have a couple questions...
First, I've read that one should not use the same pipe every day. And some of you have said that, once you've smoked a bowl out of one, it should "rest" for 48 hours. Why is that? Is this a personal preference kinda thing, or will it actually damage the pipe?
Second, I always seem to have a small amount of unsmoked tobacco at the bottom of each bowl. Is that a normal thing, or am I packing wrong?



Can't Leave
Dec 14, 2010
I don't smoke the same pipe eveyday, just to let it dry out. But I bet a lot of the old

timers who only had one pipe would give you an argument about that one.
As for the burnt tobacco on the bottom, dump it. Happens all the time.



Feb 20, 2011
Richmond, BC
I will sometimes smoke the same pipe for 2-3 days straight, never had adverse effects. As for the baccy in the bottom, I smoke it with my morning coffee WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Very good questions Jeremiah.

And let me say that your Avatar is interesting... I hope that the chimp isn't smoking banana peels in that pipe... :D
First there are any number of opinions on the subject of pipe resting and when it should be done. I think the answer is one of personal preference. Some say as you indicated that 1 bowl and rest. I for one will smoke a pipe all day, and quite often for a number of days in a row before resting it... The pipe will change its characteristic smoke when it's ready for a rest. Some pipes require that no more than two bowls while others can go a week. It all depends... But, when I do rest a pipe it can be weeks before I pick it up again and I will always give it a good cleaning and attend to the cake before smoking it again. That's the way I do it. Smoking and resting is a very individual thing based on one's preferences. You'll grow into your own method/cycle... IMHO (In My Humble Opinion)
The second question is about "dottle". You will find that different tobaccos will leave different things in the bowl... Some will be nothing but white ash (e.g.SG Grousemoor). Some will leave dark ash and some dottle (e.g. Sasieni Balkan), and some will leave a gooey clump of unburned tobacco (a lot of different tobaccos). Packing can have a profound effect on the remnants, as well and the rapidity of puffs... there are any number of factors. I wouldn't think you are doing anything wrong in particular. Nothing that slowing down, and practicing won't cure.

Side Note: There has been some discussion lately about dottle. I for one and a few others here will dry the dottle and smoke it, as an early morning or late evening smoke with some hearty black coffee. Others would rather be poked in the eye with a sharp stick. The choice is entirely up to you. But, that is the nature of pipe smokers... we're all individualist to some degree, otherwise we wouldn't march to our slightly different cadence.



Can't Leave
Sep 14, 2010
Longs, South Carolina
Depending on how well your pipe is drilled you may have more dottle (unsmoked tobaco) sitting at the bottom of the bowl than desired. If you are constantly relighting your pipe to smoke the stuff I'd suggest not doing so in fear of over-heating your pipe. This could lead to premature burn-out.
How often you smoke the same pipe in any given time-frame is up for debate. At least let the pipe cool off before starting up again. Keep it clean. Ideally, you'd let your pipe dry out completely before reuse, which could happen in a few hours or a few days depending on what you are smoking and how wet the tobacco is getting.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
I make it a practice of inserting a pipe cleaner all the way through the stem to the bowl after every smoke and then wait a day to reuse it. I find that the pipe cleaner absorbs a lot more stuff than after the pipe cools. Seems to work and pipe cleaners are cheap enough that they won't break the bank.



Mar 21, 2011
48 hours is a little extreme IMO. I let it cool for a couple of hours if I want to smoke the same pipe again that day.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 13, 2011
So, like many other aspects of this pastime, it's mostly about experimentation and personal preference. Brilliant.
More than anything I just wanted to ensure I wasn't doing irreparable damage to a pipe by using it a few times a day. (I only have two pipes right now.)
As to the dottle, that's good to know. I've been mostly partaking in 1Q (or I think it's 1Q anyway; the local shop calls it "Accountant") out of a bent Savinelli, and there's been a goodly amount of brown tobacco at the bottom of the bowl.
Many thanks for the responses everyone.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 13, 2011
Oh, and no monkeys were harmed and/or stoned in the making of my avatar. =]



Mar 9, 2010
If you rotate your two pipes on a daily basis you should be fine. As you add more pipes you can extend the time between uses.

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