Looking at the shaping I'd say that it's a Barling factory made pipe and was made between late 1962 and 1970 when the factories were closed down. It will likely be a good smoker, and is worth a lot more than $20.
If you do not want dmcmtk's $20 for it I'll offer my $20. I have one of those, or very similar, and it smokes great. We used to be able to pick those up for really cheap. No longer.
The only time I've seen a Barling go for that kind of money was when it was beat to hell. Even cracked bowls have gotten more money than that.
Mike is fighting a losing battle with that pipe. Maybe it's a consignment piece. But the problem is that collectors buy stamps over briar. Most of us wouldn't know a good piece of wood from a bad one on sight, or a block of Grecian from a block of Algerian. If that pipe had been made a year or two earlier it might well have gotten a "straightgrain" stamp and been priced at $600, but that stamp was discontinued, for a time, after the Barling line was relaunched in late 1962.