I think it may be in one of my Cosmic Crop yearly threads, but I had some Virginias my first year that I had forgotten about. I found it in the barn in an old cooler. I didn't have a kiln worth a flip, so I just air cured it. I tried smoking it, but it was very harsh because of the ammonia that had yet to get pushed off the leaf. I just put it all out in the barn and forgot about it. After a few years in Alabama heat, I found it, and tried it to find that it had become much more social (smokable). I made some twists with it, and it blew my mind how good it had become. But, most people don't want to have to wait a few years to get to that point.
I know a lot of guys like to make plugs. But, for me, storing jars full of twists is much easier than trying to get a plug that will fit into a jar. Plus, twists are just so much fun. Get the family to gather around and help. You can make latakia twists, VaPers, your own oriental mix, an aromatic, etc... things you don't ordinarily find in twist form. I age the twists in large half gallon jars, and then after a few years in that form, I slice them, and jar them up again for the long haul, or to go ahead and smoke.
I made a blend this Fall, I named Subtle Knife, after the Phillip Pullman, Dark Materials books. It had a lemony brightleaf base, with some dark Virginias, homemade latakia, and Japan8, which blew my mind at how good it came out.
Growing gives you the option to use different heirloom varieties with flavors that you just can't buy anywhere else. You are merely limited by your own creativity.