Pipes & Accesories Sell/Trade Forum Rules - Please Read Before Posting - Aug 2021

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Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
Why we have the rules below:
This forum is unlike most of the other pipe forums, it exists entirely on site sponsors - who sell pipes and tobacco.

Thanks to them, the cost to participate in the forum? - ZERO!
All of the other pipe forums have similar rules or even require a fee to be a forum seller.
PipesMagazine.Com Pipes & Accessories Sell & Trade Forum Rules:

- No commercial vendors. IE this section is not available to vendors with a brick and mortar store OR a webstore. This section is for hobbyist forum members only. Paid site sponsors are permitted to use this section.

- Certain on-line sellers (Ebay, etc.) may be prohibited. This will be determined on a case by case basis by the moderators.

- No Ebay auction links are allowed in an ad.

- Pipes and accessories only in this area. Use the Tobacco section for those products

- A member must have a minimum of 100 valid posts to create an ad (i.e comments with some substance). This encourages participative membership, and not just opportunistic people wishing only to sell.

- A member must be in good standing for four months prior to posting an ad

- Members may post only one ad per week (every seven days), with a maximum of ten items in a single ad

- The sale price must be clearly listed for each item. No offers only, silent auctions, etc. Please complete any offers or bartering via Private Message. Pipe or tobacco discussions should be completed in those sections, not in the Sell/Trade area.

- Add to the each title - the date and - FS, For Sale, FT, For Trade, etc. Example of a proper title:
FS: GBD 9438 Virgin (10/02/23)

- No "wanted" ad's, they are too hard to police (IE: "Looking for a pre-Cadogan GBD 9242 Virgin")

- We require that all shipping methods include a means of tracking the package (USPS Priority, etc.)

- All forum sales and trades are strictly between agreeing members and PipesMagazine.com bears no responsibilities.

- Any deceitful or dishonest ads/tactics will result in immediate removal from the forum

- PipesMagazine.com is not responsible for any trades or sales. Completion of a transaction is solely between the agreeing members.
For deals crossing international borders:

- Pipesmagazine.com does not condone the circumvention of any laws, the avoiding of applicable taxation, or the sharing of methods for getting packages through Customs by deception.

- Any discussion of methods for the circumvention of taxes, Customs, or the violation of laws will be immediately deleted, and the Member will receive a warning. A second instance could result in that Member being banned from Pipesmagazine.com

- Once the transaction has been completed, the seller should post their reply in the thread requesting the ad be deleted. I get an RSS feed from every post in this section. The ad will be deleted by the end of the day in most cases.

- All ads older than six months will be deleted.
Performing these two simple courtesies will facilitate the keeping this section of the forum organized and free of extraneous, out of date, and completed trades/sales/swaps; making it much easier to be utilized by everyone.
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